Amanda Kastler, CPA, CFE – 2016 40 Under 40 Honoree
Sep. 19, 2016
- Aside from the accounting websites, which blog/website do you consider a must-read?
- Propel Women
- I played a critical role in the development of our flex time policy. I pushed my partner group to consider things that accounting firms have not considered before (core working hours, optional Saturday’s during tax season, abbreviated work days, etc.). Our firm now has a fully developed and implemented flex time policy that almost all of our staff takes advantage.
- Mentoring…our firm has implemented a mentoring program, but my mentoring efforts extend beyond our firm walls. I am a mentor to several Elliott, Robinson staff members, college students, and peers in my community.
- I am currently the Vice-Chair of Harmony House (the domestic violence shelter in Springfield, MO and Greene County), and I will be the Chair in 2017. Several exciting things are happening at Harmony House…we are renovating a new facility to serve as our shelter, we have partnered with a local development company to provide permanent housing to our shelter residence, we have been diligent in raising community awareness regarding the issue of domestic violence in our community. Harmony House turns away men, women and children on a daily basis. Our new shelter will allow for an additional 50 beds per night. Under my tenure as Chair, I will use my strategic thinking and planning skills to grow our shelter operations to sustain an additional 50 beds per night.
- Progressive changes on a broader scale and in smaller firms…working from home, hoteling, increased flexibility, increase in part time employment, increase women in leadership.
- Proving to everyone in public accounting that women can have a very successful career, hold leadership roles, and be a GREAT mom at the end of the day.
- I am replaceable…work hard every day and don’t give anyone a reason to replace you.
- One mentor is hard. I have had the great fortune of learning from several people in my community. Early in my career…when I was young and stupid, a community partner saw potential in me. She pushed me, involved me in several community events and activities, and encouraged me to push my boundaries. She is now a friend and a valuable asset. She continues to provide career advice, asks me difficult questions, and continues to make me think bigger than myself. She truly believes there is nothing I can’t accomplish. She is always my cheerleader.