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Sarah Johnson Dobek – 2019 20 Under 40 Honoree


Sarah Johnson Dobek

President & Founder
Inovautus Consulting

Boulder, CO 

Career Highlights:

Sarah Dobek is the Founder and President of Inovautus Consulting, a niche consulting practice focused on accounting firm growth, implementation and training. She is also the President of CPAsNET, an association of independent accounting firms. Through both of her roles, she is helping propel the profession forward and uses a unique works closely with firms and their partners, managers, marketing professionals, administrators and staff push the envelope to become the best version of themselves and achieve new levels of success. Both organizations serve to support public accounting professionals and their employees in various different ways through direct consulting, coaching and hands on training. Whether it is a brand new managing partner or a a new managers learning how to manage, or a firm trying to shift from compliance only to more consultative work, she is helping firms and their people stay relevant and firms to continue to grow profitability and in the right direction.

Favorite books/websites/speakers that you find influential

  • Books: Traction by Gino Wickman; What’s going well, the question that changes everything by Greg Bell; The coaching habit- say less, ask more and change the way you lead by Michael.
  • Websites: Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Entrepreneur. Speakers: Patrick Lencioni and John Maxwell are two of my favorites but I love learning from lots of different people, including my team members and peers.

What websites/magazines do you use to keep up on news of the accounting profession?

  • AccountingWEB, AICPA Insights, CPA Practice Advisor, The CPA Journal, Going Concern, Journal of Accountancy


See all of the “20 Under 40” honorees for 2019.