Engagement & Trial Balance Software — 2005
It’s near the end of summer, and you’ve probably been spending a lot of time thinking about your practice model: How can I be more profitable? Serve my clients better? Recapture some personal time? Prepare my firm for future succession? If you’re like most practitioners, the list goes on and on.
Dec. 01, 2008
From the August 2005 Issue
It’s near the end of summer, and you’ve probably been spending a lot of time thinking about your practice model: How can I be more profitable? Serve my clients better? Recapture some personal time? Prepare my firm for future succession? If you’re like most practitioners, the list goes on and on.
Well, if you stop and look at your practice model, the odds are that trial balance (TB) engagements are the primary source of revenue within your firm. Whether the engagement is a compilation, review, audit or a tax return, the trial balance and supporting workpapers (WP) are at the core of the workflow. Therefore, it is a logical conclusion that this component of your practice has the greatest potential for return on investment by, at a minimum, utilizing an electronic trial balance program to manage AJEs, etc., and if you’re forward thinking, actually transforming to an electronic workflow — taking it paperless.
That’s the good news. The bad news is that this is perhaps the most difficult area of an accounting practice to “fully” automate. This is mostly because it means transforming the policies, procedures and culture of a core segment of your practice. The soft side implications are significant and need to be understood. In a fully automated trial balance workflow, we’re not just talking about a “paperless” process. We’re also talking about a “pencil-less” process. That means a significant change in culture, attitudes and elimination of a substantial degree of independence in the process (i.e., doing things your way). It is important that
your firm leadership, in particular, has a clear understanding of this before you undertake the initiative to fully automate your TB engagement processes. The investment in tools, training and personnel can be significant, but the benefits can be substantial as well, with a realistic potential of reducing the “cost of delivery” of these engagements by 20 percent to 30 percent. I doubt there is a business on earth that wouldn’t love to figure out how to drive 30 percent out of their cost of sales. In addition, the work product will be of higher quality and consistency, which will reduce liability exposure that results when different people do the same thing different ways in your firm. It will make your peer review process less painful as well.
Okay, enough pontificating. Let’s take a look under the hood at the TB engagement workflow so that we can provide a framework for you to evaluate alternative solutions. The diagram in the next column illustrates the primary flow of a TB engagement. This will provide the basis for discussion about the features and functions that are important in the software selection process.
Evaluation Categories:
Learning Curve
What we attempt to capture in this rating is the essence of how simple or complex the program is overall in terms of understanding the flow of information through the system, the command and menu structure, screen design and user interface, etc. Please understand that while two packages may have a similar rating in this category, the actual level of learning required may be substantially different, simply due to the fact that one application may have a much broader scope of features and functions than the other.
This is an important evaluation criterion because it provides a measure of the potential to eliminate time-consuming procedures that make up a large percentage of your trial balance engagement time. This is where firm’s that successfully transform to a true digital TB engagement workflow are experiencing substantial productivity gains that translate into increased engagement profitability.
There are three key aspects of this criterion that we focus on in the evaluation process that follows:
One word of advice on this topic: You should make it a top priority of your implementation process to maximize the use of these features. Not only will they save you substantial time on engagements, but they will also facilitate the transformation to a more structured, consistent and overall systematic TB engagement workflow. The short-term and long-term benefits can be substantial, including increasing the market value of your practice overall.
Trial Balance
I don’t think we need a lot of explanation about what’s important in TB software, but here is a brief checklist of the key features for which to look:
potential, reclassifying, transaction specific, etc.)
Workpaper Management
The scope of this rating category is a bit more elusive because there are multiple aspects of workpaper management to consider. This is the foundation of TB engagement software in that the primary objective is to manage the entire collection of electronic documents related to the engagement, within a single electronic binder or folder. It is this component of the system that is designed to replace the “red rope” and other various paper file folders and documents that are traditionally used to “package” and transport the workpapers in a paper-based workflow.
This is the new frontier in TB engagement software since most firms have been using electronic TB software for many years. This is where the crossroads of technology and tradition meet in TB engagements. In order to fully leverage the value of these tools, you must instill a culture and philosophy throughout your firm that you will maximize the opportunities to automate your workpaper procedures in order to achieve a paperless workflow.
The following are some of the more important features for which to look:
to integrate directly with engagement aids such as PPC, Miller, etc.
a paperless TB engagement process, this is arguably the most important aspect.
A number of other workpaper management features should also be considered, but these are the most important.
Financial Reporting
This category addresses the software’s ability to generate financial statement reports that meet your firm’s formatting standards and can be set up to maximize efficiency. A word of caution: Take time to reflect on the value and importance of some of your formatting requirements to your clients. My experience has been that many accounting firms place a much greater emphasis on this than their clients do. If you want to challenge this perspective, start showing “financial statement formatting” as a separate line item on your client invoices and assess the reaction.
The following are some of the key financial reporting features for which to look:
Overall Value
The final category of our review of each system is an assessment of the overall value of the offering based on breadth and depth of features and functionality, relative to the cost of the system.
AccountantsWorld — Accountant’s Relief
- The interesting thing about reviewing this program is that the more I learned about it, the more respect I gained for how comprehensive it was in features and functions while maintaining its simplicity.
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CaseWare International, Inc. — CaseWare
- In a sense, CaseWare has long been the TB workpaper management software to benchmark against. Unlike most of the other vendors, electronic workpapers has been the foundation of its product line since the company’s inception. CaseWare is designed to tackle the most comprehensive and sophisticated TB-based engagements that you are likely to encounter.
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CCH Tax and Accounting — ProSystem fx Engagement & ProSystem fx Trial Balance
- This is one of the most popular TB engagement workpaper systems on the market. The vendor claims over 2,000 firms using this system, including over 50 of the top 100 firms in the United States.
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Creative Solutions, Inc. — Engagement CS & Trial Balance CS
- CSI offers two products in this review category. The first, Trial Balance CS, is actually a sub-set of the second, Engagement CS, and is designed for those firms not needing or wanting to implement the full paperless workflow provided by the second.
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Pendock Mallorn — Accounting For Practitioners
- If you like Excel, you’ll like this package. It is 100 percent Excel-based and was designed by Cleveland Pendock and programmed by Charles “Chip” Pearson. Chip is one of less than 40 designated Microsoft Excel MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals). This team has extensively leveraged the capabilities of Excel.
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Trial Balance & Engagement Software — Executive Summary- We hope this review provides you with some useful insight and information to help you in your pursuit of a paperless TB engagement workflow model.
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