GMS Revolving Loan Servicing System
Feb. 17, 2010
GMS has been providing quality loan servicing software for nonprofit agencies such as housing, economic development, virtually any type of agency that administers loan programs and are in need of hight quality portfolio management and reporting.
Micro-loan programs, economic development and community development loan programs find GMS Revolving Loan Servicing software the complete, reliable and affordable way to organize loan portfolios.
GMS-RLSS maintains loan profile data, records loan transactions, and meets the reporting requirements of state and federal programs. GMS-RLSS is specifically designed for organizations who must keep track of information for different funding sources — even for multiple funded loans.
Loan files capture statistical, demographic and financial data for reporting and include user defined fields. “Master Query” allows you to create hundreds of special reports that can be saved and used month after month. Produce mailing labels, rosters, spreadsheets, counts and tickler lists.
Escrow funds collected and disbursed are also easily tracked.
Repayments and disbursements are easily recorded and loan-to-date histories instantly retrieved.
Complete reports may be produced for Board, management and funding sources anytime — all loans, by city, county, funding source, loan status, loan officer, loan type or borrower type.
Integrate GMS-RLSS with the GMS Accounting and Financial Reporting System or operate GMS-RLSS as a stand-alone system.
Packages start at $1650. This 50% reduced rate is valid throughout 2011!