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40Under40 Note

The “40 Under 40” program seeks to recognize top young individuals by allowing accountants, tax professionals and others in and related to the profession to nominate those persons that they strongly believe exemplify the very best of their field. You are the ones who have observed them, and we have confidence that you will help us identify those who will help shepherd the profession for the decades to come.


Candidates for the 40 Under 40 honors should be accountants, tax professionals or professionals who serve in a role that directly supports tax and accounting professionals, such as consultants, educators and technology vendors. To be eligible, they must not have turned 40 prior to August 31 of the year of the awards.


Ideal candidates for the 40 Under 40 program are those making a significant impact on the profession, either via innovation in their practice, by helping other firms achieve greater productivity or through visible service that adds to the profession’s image.


The nomination process has three components:

  • Any professional can nominate a person for the 40 Under 40 awards by completing the nomination form as completely as possible. Persons can also self-nominate, or others can contact them to gather the necessary information to complete the form.
  • Finalists for the awards will be contacted for further information to be used in the final judging stage, which is conducted by CPA Practice Advisor’s senior editorial staff and select thought leaders in the profession.
  • Those selected to be honored as one of the 40 Under 40 will be notified.


Multiple nominations of the same person does not have an effect on their chances of being selected.


Nominations are closed for the 2013 awards. The nomination period will close on June 14, 2013. If you have difficulty with the form, you may send the nomination information directly to Editor Isaac O’Bannon at



Click here to see the 2013 40 Under 40 Honorees.