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Sage View

Sage View is a business intelligence app that empowers accounting professionals to provide timely insight and guidance to their clients. It is innovative in the field of tax and accounting because it helps accountants deepen their client relationships ...

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2016 Innovation Award Winner.

Sage View is a business intelligence app that empowers accounting professionals to provide timely insight and guidance to their clients. It is innovative in the field of tax and accounting because it helps accountants deepen their client relationships, moving from providing the regular tax and compliance work to becoming the strategic advisor their clients need them to be.

It improves efficiency, productivity and profitability for both accountants and their clients. It provides accounting professionals with dashboards, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), reports, and alerts for multiple clients in one place, with data uploaded automatically daily to save them time. It has a quick setup and easily connects to Sage or other accounting solutions. It’s accessible anytime, anywhere and can be customized based on their personal preferences and the needs of their clients.


They can keep track of the current business performance of their clients without waiting for month end and can identify opportunities and issues quickly so they can provide proactive advice. Additionally it creates new revenue streams for their practice with new advisory services while leading to greater business success for their clients.