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2016 Review of OfficeTools Workspace Document Management System

A complete practice management and document management system, users can access the document management system by simply clicking on Documents on the main user interface screen. Once a user chooses the document option, the screen is populated with a ...

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From the 2016 reviews of Document Management and Document Storage systems.

Best Fit: OfficeTools Workspace is a good solution for small to mid-sized firms that are in need of a complete practice management solution that includes a document management component.

Product Strengths:

  • The product offers a complete all-in-one solution that includes practice management, document management, client portals and CRM.
  • Product offers excellent integration with third party applications
  • The document management system is intuitive to use, and offers a common-sense approach to managing documents that is frequently overlooked by more complex products
  • Offers an optional client portal where documents can be downloaded to clients, or uploaded from clients easily

Potential Weaknesses

  • May not be suitable for firms that do not need a complete practice management application

Office Tools


Basic System Functions 4.75 Stars

A complete practice management and document management system, users can access the document management system by simply clicking on Documents on the main user interface screen. Once a user chooses the document option, the screen is populated with a complete list of stored documents. Users can just click on a document to access that document, or use the search function to locate a document. Documents can be stored and accessed by year, project, or category, with those same values used when searching for a particular document.

All documents in OfficeTools Workspace are stored in their native format, and drag and drop buttons are located throughout the product to make it easy to save a document. The product bypassed the traditional Windows folder tree structure, choosing to utilize a simplified list instead. This makes it much easier to quickly store and access documents. Once a document is added to the system, users can choose the category that the document should be placed in, making it easy to access the document in the future. Users can use default categories, or create their own custom categories as needed.

Along with excellent document management capability, OfficeTools Workspace also contains a complete practice management component, along with robust CRM capability.

Core Document Storage Functions 5 Stars

OfficeTools Workspace offers both document storage, and easy document management capabilities. Though the drag-and-drop method is the easiest way to save documents, users can also save documents by printing directly to the document management system from anywhere in OfficeTools Workspace. In addition, users can create a Drop Folder on their desktop that offers connectivity to scanners. Any document that is saved in the Drop Folder will be automatically imported into OfficeTools Workspace. Documents can also be saved directly into the folder as well.

Once a user utilizes the drag-and-drop function, they will be presented with a Create New Document pop-up window. Here, users can supply relevant information, including client name, year, project name, category, file name. Notes can also be added if desired. Add-ins such as Acrobat, PDF Printer Driver, and Microsoft Office allow users to easily import an open document directly in the document management system. If a file is not a Microsoft Office file or a PDF, they can use the PDF print driver to convert any file format to a PDF, if desired. Users can also just right click on a file, choose the ‘Send To’ option, and send the document directly to the document management system. With a complete practice management system, users can easily manage all documents created in OfficeTools Workspace, including client tax returns, financial statements, emails, and any other related correspondence.

Client Collaboration Tools 4.75 Stars

OfficeTools Workspace offers users the option to utilize the optional portal function. Sharing files with clients is easy, with users simply highlighting the file they wish to share and then clicking on the share button at the top of the screen. Users can choose from a variety of options available in the drop down menu. The system will then send the file to the specified recipient. Clients and others can also upload files, with users able to choose to check the New File option to see if any files have been uploaded.

For additional options, users can simply right click on any document to review the document, or email the document to a recipient as an attachment.

Integration 5 Stars

OfficeTools Workspace offers excellent integration with a variety of third party applications including Microsoft Office products such as Work, Excel, and Outlook. The product also offers an add-on sync option for QuickBooks, Outlook, and Lacerte, as well as credit card and card reader options. Users can also use the Excel import add-on to import client data from other tax programs.

Help/Support 5 Stars

OfficeTools Workspace offers users excellent help functionality. The Support page on the website offers a variety of tools including User Guides, FAQ’s, Best Practices, and quick access to technical support, which is available via phone or email during regular business hours. OfficeTools Workspace also offers new users a variety of training options including both online and onsite training, with the support page offering training videos as well.

Summary & Pricing

OfficeTools Workspace and the Document Management System provide an excellent solution for smaller firms looking to utilize a complete practice management application that includes robust document management functionality. OfficeTools Workspace is priced at $700.00 per year for a single user system, and $1,700 for a 5 user system. Online system access and client portals are available as an add-on for $990.


2016 Rating 4.75 Stars