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NYU School of Professional Studies Division of Programs in Business to Host the 78th Institute on Federal Taxation

Presentations during this year’s Institute will cover the most advanced tax issues, offering participants a clear understanding of the key issues affecting their clients or businesses, and presenting planning ideas that can immediately be used in ...

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At the upcoming 78th Institute on Federal Taxation, hosted by the NYU School of Professional Studies (NYUSPS) Division of Programs in Business, taking place from October 20-25 at the Grand Hyatt New York, tax professionals from around the country will come together to learn about new practices in federal taxation from America’s leading tax experts, exchange ideas, and to stay on top of the latest tax trends and developments.

The NYUSPS Institute of Federal Taxation is designed for the practitioner who must frequently anticipate and handle federal tax matters. The event attracts attorneys, both general tax practitioners and specialists; accounts, corporate treasury and compliance executives; tax managers; and financial planners seeking expert discussion of the latest technical, legislative, and planning developments. Participants can obtain credit for continuing education.


Presentations during this year’s Institute will cover the most advanced tax issues, offering participants a clear understanding of the key issues affecting their clients or businesses, and presenting planning ideas that can immediately be used in practice. Just as important, the event provides the ideal setting in which to meet and network with practitioners from around the country.


The six-day program will coverage all major areas of tax, including current developments; tax controversies; corporate tax; partnerships, LLCs, and real estate; international and state tax; trusts and estates; executive compensation and employee benefits; closely-held businesses; ethics; and hot tax topics. For the complete agenda, click here.