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Yale Turns to CPA Firm for Innovative Business Guidance

OCR collaborates with a number of outside firms that new ventures may need to call upon for legal, accounting, marketing, or other services. FML is excited to support rising OCR innovators in a myriad of ways including: tax and accounting matters ...


The Yale Office of Cooperative Research (OCR), whose mission is to turn Yale research into commercial opportunity and catalyze regional development, announced that the CPA firm Fiondella, Milone and LaSaracina (FML) will join their roster of expert resources available to Yale innovators. Additionally, Frank Milone and Lisa (LaSaracina) Willauer, FML Founding Partners, have been named Yale Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (EIR), a vital panel of experts in their fields who act as a “sounding board” for Yale startups at every level.

OCR collaborates with a number of outside firms that new ventures may need to call upon for legal, accounting, marketing, or other services. FML is excited to support rising OCR innovators in a myriad of ways including: tax and accounting matters, business structure and formation, understanding of Federal and State grant accounting and reporting, accounting services, financial statement assurance, and capital market consulting and advisory services.

Additionally, FML brings a full suite of business tax preparation services, including research and development tax credits and state and local tax incentives expertise, accounting staff augmentation, and transaction services honed to the unique needs of emerging business. The firm has extensive experience working with and advising companies dealing with the highly technical and rapidly changing fields of med- and biotech, software as a service (SaaS), and Digital Heath, just to name a few.

“It’s important to provide our faculty and Yale innovators with all the resources they need to take their discoveries to market. The FML team understands the entrepreneurial journey and their expertise will undoubtedly be an asset to the Yale Innovation community,” Jim Boyle, Executive Director, Faculty Entrepreneurship & Venture Development, Yale Office of Cooperative Research said.

“FML has been fortunate to support some of the area’s best and brightest emerging companies since our founding 17 years ago,” said Frank Milone, FML Founding Partner. “Partnering with Yale OCR is the perfect extension of our expertise; we’re excited to be able to help bolster the success of innovative spinouts through our mastery of the nitty-gritty of assurance and tax regulations and requirements – essentials for every growing business, but not the specialty of those doing the innovating. We want to fill that gap so more Connecticut-grown startups fully realize their potential. The opportunity to support one of the world’s premier institutions in developing these companies cannot be overstated.”