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86% of Business Leaders Concerned About Workers’ Mental Health

Frontline workers are concerned about their health risks, other employees had to adjust to working from their kitchen tables, and others are navigating remote work while attempting to support remote learning for their children. Paycor found that 86% of...


Employees have faced extenuating circumstances over the last nine months that have exacerbated mental health challenges in the workplace, and business leaders recognize the impact has on their workforce. That’s according to data from “How HR Can Promote Mental Health at Work.” a report from Human Capital Management (HCM) company Paycor.

Frontline workers are concerned about their health risks, other employees had to adjust to working from their kitchen tables, and others are navigating remote work while attempting to support remote learning for their children. Paycor found that 86% of business leaders are concerned about mental health in the workplace as a result of the pandemic.

Mental health in the workplace has always been a concern among many, but now it’s reaching an inflection point. According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in five American adults will have a diagnosable mental health condition in any given year and Gallup reports 67% of US workers say they’re burned out.

“Everyone has been impacted differently by COVID-19. Employees are adjusting to new work-life situations while balancing concern for their loved ones and supporting their families,” said Karen Crone, Chief Human Resources Officer at Paycor. “HR leaders are in a unique position when we help our employees find new ways to work and interact while also acknowledging and supporting their mental health and well-being.”

HR leaders are on the frontlines, but mental health can still be taboo or a topic that is reluctantly talked about. Paycor’s latest report breaks down four strategies on how HR leaders can help their employees thrive.

Key findings include:

    • Part 1: Embrace Empathetic Leadership – A culture of self-care starts from the top. Effective HR teams proactively create a company culture that encourages psychological wellbeing.
    • Part 2: Engage Employees – Wherever They Are – Often, the problem isn’t too much work, it’s a lack of control. Employees need engaging work to give purpose and fulfillment. Colleagues are also important—tight bonds can offer an important sense of community in tough times.
    • Part 3: End the Bias Toward Mental Illness – Taking mental illness seriously means knowing that, as an HR leader, you can’t magically solve any problem, much less a mental illness. But HR leaders do have the power to end bias by creating an open, inclusive and safe work environment and hosting conversations that don’t cross boundaries.
    • Part 4: Leverage Benefits to Make a Difference – Benefits aren’t one size fits all, and traditional offerings may not address today’s reality. In fact, 45% of HR leaders aren’t sure what, if any, benefits they could offer that might help. Talking to the right healthcare broker can help HR leaders think about wellbing more holistically, including physical, emotional, and financial health.

    To access the full report, click here.