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Why Now is the Time to Consider New Firm Technologies and Services

Over the past two years, firms have shown how resilient they are as a result of the pandemic and how quickly they were able to pivot to a virtual-first mindset. This switch proves that your firm is ready to adopt new products and services that will ...

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In the last year, tax professionals and clients alike have experienced an upheaval in how they go about daily life. Now, more than ever, is the best time to re-evaluate the technologies and products you use, and adopt new ones where necessary. Especially that particular product you have been eyeing forever. This time has proven the age old ways aren’t always the most efficient and a shift in mindset is always helpful.

Take Stock of Your Products

Over the past two years, firms have shown how resilient they are as a result of the pandemic and how quickly they were able to pivot to a virtual-first mindset. This switch proves that your firm is ready to adopt new products and services that will increase success and efficiency. 

First, take stock of the products you use and the services they provide. Are there any areas you would like to improve upon to increase efficiency? Perhaps a better system to automate compliance, or an interest to utilize the cloud more? Once you are able to pinpoint the areas your firm is most interested in improving, you are able to start testing and shopping for new products. 

Talk to Your Employees

Once you identify the areas that could use new products, talk to your employees for their expertise and recommendations. They will be using these products everyday and it is important for them to feel they have a say in the process. Their wealth of knowledge and insights into each tax and accounting task your firm provides will help them vocalize the services that will help rather than hinder the firm overall. 

At the end of the day, having your employees on board is an essential part of the process. 

Conduct a Test Run

Start by taking intro calls and request demos from companies that make each product you are interested in. Once you and your employees understand how they work, call upon a few trusted clients to test out the new products and give their feedback. Usability is a huge factor, especially being in client services, so it is important to iron out the wrinkles ahead of time.

Once the trial period is over, collect all the feedback you have received from clients and employees to help inform your decision. 

Make the Final Call

If these past two years have taught us anything, it’s that everyone is adaptable. You have been eyeing that certain product forever, and now is the perfect time to switch over. After gathering all the feedback, start weighing the pros and cons of each tested product and make a strategic and informed decision that will benefit not just your firm, but your clients’ future. 

Whether it makes the tax process more accessible, the compliance work more efficient, or opens up time for your employees to focus more on advisory services, if it is a good fit for your firm, everyone will adapt. Here is your sign to switch over, now go out and request a trial.


Dustin Kroeger is director, head of marketing, for the Intuit Professional Tax business unit.