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Accounting Opens Houston Office

This is the first office for outside of the San Francisco area. After an extensive nationwide search, the company announced the decision to add an office in Houston in February.

bill_com officially opened its new Houston office on Wednesday, September 18. The ceremony featured CEO René Lacerte and Mayor Sylvester Turner cutting the ribbon and a proclamation from the mayor naming September 18 as “ Day.” is a provider of financial process automation tools for businesses.

Pictures of the event and the 25,000-square-foot office, which includes shared workspaces, panoramic views of the downtown Houston skyline and state-of-the-art technology, are available here.

According to Lacerte, the office represents “an important opportunity for the company to continue to scale operations.”

This is the first office for outside of the San Francisco area. After an extensive nationwide search, the company announced the decision to add an office in Houston in February. It is in the city’s Westchase area at 2103 CityWest Blvd., Houston, Texas, 77042.