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2012 Review of TaxWorks Tax Planner

RedGear Technologies — TaxWorks Tax From the October 2012 review of professional tax planning systems. Best Fit: Small tax-focused practices using TaxWorks who want an integrated tax estimation and scenario testing tool that can help clients prepare for potential liability changes. Strengths:• User friendly interface• Adjustable inflation projections• Affordable price-point• Direct integration with TaxWorks […]

Isaac M. O'Bannon

2012 Review of Advanced Micro Solutions – 1099-Etc

Advanced Micro Solutions – From the Nov. 2012 Review of W-2/1099 Preparation Programs. Best Fit: Firms managing after-the-fact payroll, as well as quarterly and year-end information reporting for multiple businesses. Strengths Imports from a variety of file formats Supports federal, state and local forms Comprehensive e-filing and mailing options Potential Limitations No time and […]

Taija Sparkman

2012 Review of American Riviera Software – Magtax Professional

American Riviera Software Corp. – Magtax From the Nov. 2012 Review of W-2/1099 Preparation Programs. Best Fit: Firms managing year-end compliance and electronic e-filing for multiple business clients. Strengths QuickBooks integration Import/Export capabilities that support various file formats Plain paper and pre-printed form printing Potential Limitations Does not offer after-the-fact payroll No built-in invoicing […]

Taija Sparkman