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Zero Dollar Check Job Costing in QuickBooks – Using Timesheets, Items, and Clearing Accounts

Read the blog post complete with screen shots here: The data file is downloadable , in 2012 format. One common challenge small businesses have when booking payroll in QuickBooks is in terms of how to job cost your employees; payroll. This video and the blog post linked above show you a really cool trick in QuickBooks that let's you book your payroll in your accustomed manner (using a journal entry to book the total Gross Wages, Payroll Liabilities, and Employer Taxes) and then using timesheets, some two sided items, a couple of clearing accounts, and a little zero dollar check trick you can get your payroll job costed quickly, easily, and fairly painlessly!

eTEK’s Accounting Systems Available as Traditional or Hosted Programs

From the March 2013 review section of Small Business Accounting programs. eTEK Accounting for Microsoft Office 2010 800-888-6894 eTEK offers several accounting systems for businesses of different sizes and for specific industries. The include the smaller-business eTEK for Microsoft Office, eTEK for SQL Server for larger organizations, eTEK Fundamentals for government entities and non-profits, […]