Secure Communications
In today's technology-driven age, you can never be too protective of personal information. As most professionals know, email is simply not a secure method of private communication between themselves and their clients. The Secure Communications application was created for anyone who works with intimate details of their clients lives on a daily basis, including solicitors, CPAs, and physicians. Instead of continuously sending emails with attachments which may or may not be received, SecCom allows you to message your clients and see when each message is read. We also integrate SecCom seamlessly with your current design so that your clients never have to leave your website.
Jun. 23, 2010
SecCom is a login-based website that integrates with your own website. This allows you to maintain secure email communication and document exchange with your clients without the chance of anyone intercepting or reading it.
Because SecCom utilizes the same security as all major eCommerce businesses you can be sure your clients’ privacy is safe but still easily accessible to you.