
March 25, 2013

Zero Dollar Check Job Costing in QuickBooks – Using Timesheets, Items, and Clearing Accounts

Read the blog post complete with screen shots here: The data file is downloadable , in 2012 format. One common challenge small businesses have when booking payroll in QuickBooks is in terms of how to job cost your employees; payroll. This video and the blog post linked above show you a really cool trick in QuickBooks that let's you book your payroll in your accustomed manner (using a journal entry to book the total Gross Wages, Payroll Liabilities, and Employer Taxes) and then using timesheets, some two sided items, a couple of clearing accounts, and a little zero dollar check trick you can get your payroll job costed quickly, easily, and fairly painlessly!

Zero Dollar Check Job Costing in QuickBooks – Using Timesheets, Items, and Clearing Accounts

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