WeiserMazars 55799ad43c1ce

June 11, 2015

448 Members of Accounting Firm Volunteer for Day of Service

The Days of Service initiative is part of the firm’s We Are WeiserMazars program that fosters employees’ personal and professional growth through the tenants of association, respect and excellence.

The national accounting, tax and business advisory services firm WeiserMazars LLP recently completed its first Days of Service – a volunteer initiative that encourages employees to devote a full work day to assisting local service agencies.

The Days of Service initiative is part of the firm’s We Are WeiserMazars program that fosters employees’ personal and professional growth through the tenants of association, respect and excellence.

In total, 448 employees, including 73 partners, participated in the Days of Service on May 20 and 27, and June 3. Each individual spent the day at 32 community and non-profit programs throughout New York City, Long Island, New Jersey, Philadelphia and Chicago. 

Volunteer activities ranged from paying visits to homebound seniors with New York Cares; to assisting young children with disabilities at the AHRC Special Olympics on Long Island; creating a “photo booth” at the Piscataway Senior Center in New Jersey; helping organize the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry in Chicago; and sorting children’s clothes as part of the Cradles to Crayons’ Giving Factory in Pennsylvania.  WeiserMazars’ 448-strong volunteer corps brought smiles and joy to hundreds of people in need and the dedicated organizations serving them.

“We are extremely proud of the enormous commitment that our employees demonstrated to their communities in response to our first Days of Service,” noted Kenneth R. Pogrob, leading Partner of We Are WeiserMazars. “Giving back to the communities where we work and live is an integral part of the values that we foster at WeiserMazars, which emphasize team building and collaboration inside and outside of the workplace,” added Mr. Pogrob.

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