
July 18, 2016

How to Add Graphics to Your Social Media Text Posts

Photos and graphics are a huge piece of the content of your website as well as social media. Here are some tips in case you want to start using graphics on your own on your website and in social media.

Sandi Smith Leyva

Photos and graphics are a huge piece of the content of your website as well as social media. Here are some tips in case you want to start using graphics on your own on your website and in social media.

Stock Photography

Stock photography is the name for photographs that are for sale. If you’re going to spend money on stock photography, choose photographs with a royalty-free license. Unless you use the photos for resale which is not the case if you use them on your website or in social media, you’ll simply pay a one-time license fee. You can get photos for as little as $6 per photo to as much as hundreds of dollars per photo. The average price is in the $10 to $25 range. The average website we do has about 35 graphics.

You might be surprised to know we pay thousands of dollars in photography licenses per year to illustrate your websites. We also have to pay a special, more-expensive resale license which you don’t have to worry about, but just know, we got you covered. If you plan to provide your own graphics or do your own, site be sure to budget for this expense.

Some of the place we use for stock photography include: – We used them for years, then they simply got too pricey.

A few more we haven’t used include and

You can also get free photography but it often comes with strings. In some cases, you need to provide attribution for the photo or add some copyright text in order to use it. Most of the free sites do not have any search capabilities, so if you’re looking for a red-haired construction owner on a job site, it might get hard to find.

Here are a few free sites:

A couple of quick do’s and don’ts when using photography:

  • Don’t use clip art or cartoon graphics unless you have a whole theme going. It looks way too 1990s and amateurish these days.
  • Do include a lot of people in your photos. People reviewing graphs and charts on paper or screen makes for a better shot that a picture of a graph.
  • Don’t use graphics you found off the web unless you understand licensing and/or have paid for it. Most graphics are not free. It’s a copyright violation to use any photos off the internet that you haven’t paid for. If you get caught you will get a cease and desist letter from an attorney, and worst case, may owe years in back license fees. We’ve seen and go after people.

Including graphics in social media is far more popular than just having text posts all the time. This is an area you should begin to learn or outsource to someone that works with graphics.


Sandi Smith Leyva, CPA, CMA, MBA, and founder of Accountant’s Accelerator, has helped thousands of  accountants earn more, work less, and serve their clients better through her innovative coaching and training services.

Sandi was named one of the 2015 Top 25 Most Powerful Women in Accounting by CPA Practice Advisor, one of the Top 25 Thought Leaders for 2016 by CPA Practice Advisor, one of the 2013 “Ones to Watch” of Accounting Today’s “Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting” and was a 2013 Community Choice Honoree of the Small Business Influencer Awards held by Small Business Trends. She won a 2013 Stevie Award for “Maverick of the Year,” and her work has also been noted by CBS News, PBS, Dallas Morning News, San Jose Mercury News, Accounting Today, Journal of Accountancy, Today’s CPA, and The Practical Accountant. She is a regular contributor to CPA Trendlines.

Sandi is one of a handful of women in the world who has co-piloted a tiny six-seat, single-engine airplane over the oceans and around the world. Her book, Following Amelia: A Modern Day ‘Round-the-World Flight, describes her death-defying adventure along with the two award-winning humanitarian trips she managed to fit in along the way.

Sandi has authored several books, CPE courses, and over 500 articles for clients such as Microsoft, Intuit, and the American Institute for CPAs. She writes BizBoost News, a client newsletter for accountants with strategic business content.   Her latest books include Five Simple Steps to Get More Clients, More Profits and More Free Time for Accountants and QuickBooks ProAdvisors and  P3: Pricing, Packaging and Positioning.

Sandi is a CPA and holds an MBA in IT from the University of Dallas. She also holds a MS in Applied Cognition and Neuroscience. In her spare time, she loves hiking, traveling to remote places, and empowering women from poverty to prosperity through her nonprofit.


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Sandi Smith Leyva

CPA, Author, World Traveler, Copilot, Neuroscientist, Marketing Strategist Only one in 150 million women has done what Sandi Smith Leyva has done successfully:  copiloted a single-engine airplane around the world.  Combine that accomplishment with a stellar business career, a 100-country travel itinerary, and volunteer work on four continents, and you have a one-of-a-kind speaker for your special event. Sandi uses her astonishing life experiences to help others achieve their own gigantic dreams. She blends the latest proven scientific methods into her speeches to help people realize how their minds can be their greatest source of personal power. Sandi’s uniqueness is unmatched: Award-winning international author of eight books and over 200 articles. 2016 Top 25 Thought Leaders in Accounting from CPA Practice Advisor. 2013 “Maverick of the Year” from Stevie Women in Business Awards. 1995 copilot with Jay Merten, MD, flying his six-seat Piper Malibu 25,303 nautical miles to 20 countries in 86 days. Small business entrepreneur who makes payroll every other Friday. The only CPA/MBA you might meet that also earned a Master degree in Neuroscience. To book Sandi or find out more, email us at or call us 972-985-9129 (Central Time)