Michelle A. Walsh
Age: 39
Employer: XCM Solutions
Title: Vice President of Client Services
City/State: Quincy, Massachusetts
Website: www.xcmsolutions.com
Twitter: @_michellewalsh
Michelle has been in the accounting industry for the majority of her career. She started in public accounting in 2000 as an auditor at Eisner, LLP, in New York, NY where she focused on Financial Services and Non Profits. Michelle moved to PwC in 2003 where she specialized in auditing Broker Dealers and Hedge Funds. She later applied her financial services knowledge as an internal auditor at State Street Corporation. Michelle returned to public accounting in 2011, joining KPMG’s People & Change Management before joining XCM Solutions in 2013.
In Michelle’s role today she marries her public accounting experience, together with experience in the private sector. Her focus is always on serving the client first. She has a passion for working with people and helping to solve problems. Michelle operates as a spokesperson both internally and externally, connecting team members and clients to the resources they need. Michelle values collaboration through relationships. Michelle’s ability to work under pressure, allows her to combat challenging client scenarios with a calming attitude.
While client service and support is her primary focus, her underlying mission is with helping firms prepare for the CPA firm of future. Michelle educates client on how workflow can help their existing revenue streams, as well as internal operations, and challenges firms to consider how workflow can facilitate expanding services beyond compliance into proactive, client focused advisory services. Michelle co-authored the How Workflow Technology Can Transform Your Accounting Practice whitepaper for the AICPA and seeks speaking engagements at industry events.
Throughout her career, Michelle has maintained a close relationship with her Alma matter, Syracuse University and supports several local Boston universities to promote accounting as a career both for college graduates. Michelle is also actively involved with community service and has connected her passion for volunteering and servicing the community throughout her career.
Above all, Michelle is the mother of two. She has balanced being a hands on mom and continuing to grow professionally, by flexing and stretching when it’s necessary. Michelle is currently co-launching the XCM Women’s Network, focused on creating a network for the women of XCM to work together and support one another in achieving their greatest potential, both professionally and personally.
Read about the other 20 Under 40 Honorees for 2017.
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