To support the complexity and ever-changing landscape of tax planning and reporting for multi-tiered global alternative investment structures, HCVT developed Treehouse, a web-based centralized “hub” for tax information.
Treehouse has the ability to capture information at the lowest SPV level, and tier up such information (via pro-rata allocations, special allocations, IRC Section 704(c) amounts, and GP promote allocations) to a diverse investor base including public and private REITs, foreign investors and sovereigns, tax exempt investors, and taxable investors.
Treehouse provides the tools to optimize the federal and state tax planning and compliance processes, all within a single-source system. Thus, achieving enhancements in efficiency, risk mitigation, management reporting and higher-quality client deliverables.
Notable Features:
- Client general ledger data integration (import and mapped to Treehouse)
- Book-to-tax adjustments (automated/manual)
- Multi-tiered investment and investor allocations
- State apportionment
- State withholdings
- Standard work paper packages
- Investor reporting (federal and state Schedule K-1 preparation)
- Entity and compliance tracking
- Control features and session tracking
- Footnote management, tiering and aggregation
Next Generation Innovations:
- Accessible and secure to client users and other client-authorized 3rd party service provider users (SaaS model)
- Client configurable features
- Automated investor allocation rules
- Standardized footnote tiering/allocations
- Investor delivery packages
- Custom calculations: Treehouse can incorporate an unlimited number of client custom calculations that go beyond the standard automations
- Multi-dimensional model/reporting: Above and beyond typical tax systems
- Projection and planning
- Year-over-year analytics
- Integration and aggregation with GP reporting and promote sharing
See all of the winners, finalists and nominees in the 2019 Tax & Accounting Innovation Awards.
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