
July 24, 2019

Intuit Prep for Taxes – 2019 Innovation Award Nominee

Prep for taxes replaces the old ‘trial balance’ functionality with a reimagined seamless experience of preparing and filing year end taxes. Before, trial balance helped you find issues in your client’s books and assisted in mapping the books to the tax return. The old experience was a digital replication of the even older physical, ledger... Read more »

Prep for taxes replaces the old ‘trial balance’ functionality with a reimagined seamless experience of preparing and filing year end taxes.

Before, trial balance helped you find issues in your client’s books and assisted in mapping the books to the tax return. The old experience was a digital replication of the even older physical, ledger system.

What’s new with Intuit Prep for Taxes is the Review and Adjust’ Tab which can see the client P&L and Balance Sheet within a single screen to review and make adjustments. You can also quickly expand all or collapse all categories to get a high-level and detailed view of your clients’ books by making adjustments directly from this experience without leaving the screen. You can also view a list of changes, who made the change and incorporate when ready.

Another new change is the New Tax Mappings Experience where you can clearly see which accounts from the books map to specific tax return line items through the collapse all and expand all capability. We also made improvements such as making it easier to view all changes in the books. You can review and accept those changes and have the ability to take notes and add attachments.

Lastly, you can quickly and easily assign and update tax line items in the Tax Mappings view.

Learn more: https://proconnect.intuit.com/prep-for-taxes/


See all of the winners, finalists and nominees in the 2019 Tax & Accounting Innovation Awards.

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