Accountants Aren’t the Most Concerned About AI’s Impact—Except in One State

Artificial Intelligence | January 17, 2024

Accountants Aren’t the Most Concerned About AI’s Impact—Except in One State

DevRev analyzed online search data for terms relating to a list of careers to determine the top five jobs in America with AI anxiety.

Jason Bramwell

Coming on the heels of a Moss Adams study that revealed 69% of accountants believe artificial intelligence has a positive impact on the accounting profession, a new report from AI customer support company DevRev found that accountants don’t fear AI advancements the most among professionals in the U.S.

The study analyzed online search data for terms relating to a list of careers—including “AI impact on …,” “will AI replace …,” and “how will AI affect …”—to determine America’s top five jobs with the most AI anxiety.

While not first, accountants were the third-most worried about AI, according to the study. DevRev said, “AI is used in accounting firms to generate financial reports and arrange expenses efficiently. Despite these advantages, using AI within accounting can lead to detrimental data breaches from cybercriminals searching for investment decisions.”

Lawyers were the most concerned about AI advancements in their profession, followed by artists, accountants, doctors, and data scientists, according to the study.  

“AI has transformed the workplace. In fact, by 2030, it is predicted that 30% of jobs will be automated through various AI technologies, leading many people to worry about their changing roles,” DevRev said. “However, AI will likely be used alongside humans within these sectors in the future, rather than replacing them completely.” 

The study also provided a table of the jobs most anxious about AI in America, by state. DevRev found that AI concerned the accounting profession the most in only one state—North Dakota. The results are below, with the word “Accountant” bolded for emphasis:  

State The job most cautious of AI The second job most cautious of AI  The third job most cautious of AI  The fourth job most cautious of AI  The fifth job most cautious of AI  
U.S. Lawyers Artists Accountant Doctors Data Analysts 
Alabama Lawyers Accountant Artists Doctors Data Scientists 
Alaska Artists Lawyers Accountant Radiologists Data Scientists 
Arizona Lawyers Artists Doctors Accountant Data Analysts 
Arkansas Artists Accountant Lawyers Software Developers Data Analysts 
California Lawyers Artists Accountant Doctors Data Analysts 
Colorado Lawyers Artists Accountant Doctors Data Analysts 
Connecticut Lawyers Doctors Teachers Accountant Artists 
Delaware Lawyers Accountant Artists Teachers Copywriters 
Florida Lawyers Artists Web Developers Accountant Doctors 
Georgia Lawyers Artists Accountant Doctors Data Analysts 
Hawaii Lawyers Accountant Radiologists Data Analysts Artists 
Idaho Lawyers Accountant Artists Data Analysts Teachers 
Illinois Lawyers Accountant Artists Doctors Data Analysts 
Indiana Lawyers Artists Accountant Doctors Data Scientists 
Iowa Artists Lawyers Doctors Accountant Graphic Designers 
Kansas Artists Teachers Accountant Lawyers Doctors 
Kentucky Lawyers Artists Doctors Accountant Data Analysts 
Louisiana Lawyers Accountant Artists Teachers Doctors 
Maine Lawyers Artists Accountant Doctors Data Analysts 
Maryland Lawyers Artists Data Analysts Doctors Data Scientists 
Massachusetts Lawyers Artists Accountant Doctors Data Analysts 
Michigan Lawyers Accountant Artists Doctors Teachers 
Minnesota Lawyers Artists Doctors Accountant Data Analysts 
Mississippi Lawyers Artists Teachers Accountant Doctors 
Missouri Lawyers Artists Accountant Nurses Radiologists 
Montana Artists Doctors Lawyers Accountant Pilots 
Nebraska Lawyers Artists Doctors Accountant Graphic Designers 
Nevada Lawyers Artists Accountant Doctors Graphic Designers 
New Hampshire Artists Teachers Lawyers Doctors Graphic Designers 
New Jersey Lawyers Artists Accountant Doctors Teachers 
New Mexico Doctors Artists Lawyers Accountant Teachers 
New York Lawyers Artists Doctors Accountant Data Analysts 
North Carolina Lawyers Doctors Accountant Artists Data Analysts 
North Dakota Accountant Graphic Designers Data Analysts Artists Lawyers 
Ohio Lawyers Artists Accountant Doctors Data Analysts 
Oklahoma Artists Doctors Accountant Graphic Designers Lawyers 
Oregon Lawyers Artists Doctors Accountant Copywriters 
Pennsylvania Lawyers Artists Accountant Doctors Graphic Designers 
Rhode Island Artists Data Analysts Accountant Lawyers Doctors 
South Carolina Lawyers Artists Accountant Doctors Radiologists 
South Dakota Artists Accountant Graphic Designers Lawyers Radiologists 
Tennessee Lawyers Doctors Accountant Artists Data Analysts 
Texas Lawyers Accountant Artists Doctors Data Analysts 
Utah Lawyers Artists Doctors Accountant Teachers 
Vermont Artists Lawyers Graphic Designers Accountant Radiologists 
Virginia Lawyers Accountant Artists Doctors Teachers 
Washington Lawyers Artists Accountant Data Analysts Doctors 
West Virginia Data Analysts Lawyers Doctors Accountant Copywriters 
Wisconsin Artists Lawyers Doctors Accountant Teachers 
Wyoming Lawyers Accountant Artists Data Analysts Copywriters 

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