More than 20 of the accounting profession’s thought leaders convened in Dallas on February 20, 2024, for three days of discussions and panels focused on the key trends and most significant challenges currently faced by professionals and firms, as well as emerging issues that are likely to shape firms in the near future.

The initial discussion topic focused on how human nature is to adapt to overcome constraints on resources. While this has been studied at length by sociologists, the principles apply with regard to the ability of humans to use technologies to overcome more practical resource and productivity management issues. The discussion guided by Ed Kless, the senior director of partner development and strategy at Sage.

Now in it’s 15th year, the Thought Leader Symposium is hosted by CPA Practice Advisor, a news , technology and practice management resource for public accounting firms and tax and financial professionals.
Over the course of the event, the group will discuss additional issues, including private equity’s impact on the profession, staffing, learning and development, the future of AI and security concerns.
This year’s annual event is sponsored by Avalara, Sage, Wolters Kluwer and Zoho, and includes interactive group and breakout sessions.

The invitation-only event is being held Feb. 20-22, 2024, at the Hilton Dallas Lincoln Centre.
2024 Thought Leaders Aaron Berson, CPA Jason Blumer, CPA Gary Boomer, CPA David Cieslak, CPA Angie Grissom, CPA John Higgins, CPA Al-Nesha Jones, CPA Roman Kepczyk, CPA Allan Koltin, CPA Michelle Golden River, CPF Brian Tankersley, CPA Garrett Wagner, CPA Geni Whitehouse, CPA Sandra Wiley | Special Guest Eric McMillen Sponsors Attending Ed Kless – Sage Sona Ackmakjian, CPA – Avalara Shahbaz Kahn – Wolters Kluwer Cathy Rowe – Wolters Kluwer Nathan Rodgerson – Zoho Val Steed, CPA – Zoho CPA Practice Advisor Staff Barry Strobel – Publisher Gail Perry, CPA – Editor-in-Chief Isaac M. O’Bannon – Managing Editor Jason Bramwell – Sr. Staff Writer |
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