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Jessica McClain, CPA, CITP, CISA, PMP, CGFM – 2024 Most Powerful Women in Accounting

Jessica E. McClain, CPA, CITP, CISA, PMP, CGFM

2024 Most Powerful Women in Accounting
CFO, Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital

What is your favorite part of being a member of the accounting profession?

I absolutely enjoy being in the accounting profession! The best part is the incredible range of career opportunities available. I’ve discovered that working in the nonprofit sector is particularly fulfilling because it allows me to use my accounting expertise to support organizations that are making a real difference in the world. It’s so fulfilling to know that my work is contributing to a cause that I’m truly passionate about.

How have you personally seen the roles of women evolve in the accounting profession?

The accounting profession has witnessed an increase in the representation of women in leadership roles. Women have made significant strides in their careers, and it is now recognized and accepted that they need support to manage both their professional and personal lives. Although challenges still exist, the accounting profession has taken steps towards promoting gender equality and providing women with ample opportunities to succeed and advance in their careers.

What do you anticipate will be the biggest change in the accounting profession in the next 10 years?

The accounting profession is undergoing significant transformation, and several trends are shaping its future. The increasing integration of technology will require the skillset of accountants to evolve. There will be an increased demand for professionals with solid technology proficiency, but human-led insights will remain valuable.

What is your favorite professional mobile app, and why?

LinkedIn is my favorite app because it’s a platform that enables me to connect with colleagues, mentors, industry leaders, and potential employers, helping me expand my professional network. It allows me to showcase my skills, experience, and achievements, so I and tell the story of my personal brand.

What are your favorite podcasts?

Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership, Women in Leadership (WIL) Talk podcast, Int-HER-rupt podcast, and MACPA Future Proof podcast

What books have you read recently that you would like to recommend?

Expect to Win by Carla Harris.


Read more about the Most Powerful Women in Accounting.