Kelly Mann, CPA
2024 Most Powerful Women in Accounting
CEO & Co-Founder
What is your favorite part of being a member of the accounting profession?

The people! I feel like I fit in and share common interests and character traits as others in the profession. It helps my confidence and brings me joy to have close friends in this industry.
How have you personally seen the roles of women evolve in the accounting profession?
While I would like to say there have been significant changes in the roles of women in the accounting profession, the reality I’ve observed is somewhat different. Despite some progress, many women continue to exit the industry, often due to a combination of high workplace expectations and traditional pressures at home, where they frequently assume the role of primary caregiver. Additionally, there remains a sense that women’s ideas and contributions are not fully recognized or valued because they look different than what we’ve historically come to expect from our profession. This highlights a need for ongoing efforts to create a more inclusive and supportive professional environment.
What do you anticipate will be the biggest change in the accounting profession in the next 10 years?
Sustainability Reporting. With a growing emphasis on sustainability and corporate responsibility, there will be an increasing demand for integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into financial reporting and advising.
What is your favorite professional mobile app, and why?
LinkedIn – it’s where I catch up on what my friends and colleagues are doing professionally. My network is now nationwide and it’s hard to catch up in person or even virtually these days, so I use LinkedIn to stay up to date.
What are your favorite podcasts?
I’m not a podcast person, but I’ll put in a shameless plug for Going Places by AuditMiner team member, Caralynn Orbell.
What books have you read recently that you would like to recommend?
Bureaucrats to Barbarians – anyone that is growing/scaling their company should read this book about leadership styles!
Read more about the Most Powerful Women in Accounting.
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