IRS Income Tax Refund Schedule for 2025 – Could IRS Layoffs Delay Tax Refunds?

Taxes | February 16, 2025

IRS Income Tax Refund Schedule for 2025 – Could IRS Layoffs Delay Tax Refunds?

Updated Feb. 16, 2025. Tax season has just begun, but it may be about to get more difficult for taxpayers and tax preparers such as CPAs and accountants. The move could also delay income tax refunds. The IRS started accepting income tax returns on January 27, 2025, which means tax filing season is officially upon... Read more »

Isaac M. O'Bannon

Updated Feb. 16, 2025.

Tax season has just begun, but it may be about to get more difficult for taxpayers and tax preparers such as CPAs and accountants. The move could also delay income tax refunds.

The IRS started accepting income tax returns on January 27, 2025, which means tax filing season is officially upon us. And while most people say they hate doing their taxes, most Americans look forward to getting their tax refunds.

If you’re wondering how long it may take to get your refund when you finally submit your income tax return, you are one of many. For almost 15 years, the question we get the most often has been: “When will I get my tax refund?” Nobody can give you an exact answer, especially this far out, we can give you a pretty good estimate based on a few factors, and the 50-year collective experience of the CPA Practice Advisor team.

Right now, you want to know: “When can I expect to get my tax refund?” – Just scroll down if you want to see the easy chart refund date estimator.

First, keep in mind that you need to wait to file until you receive all of your tax forms from your employer, as well as colleges, mortgages and other documents. If you have complex finances, got married or divorced, had a child, retired, bought or sold a house, own crypto or foreign assets, those will make things more complex. In these situations, you should definitely seek the advice of a tax professional like a CPA or EA in order to make sure you are complying with tax laws and also taking advantage of new or lesser known tax deductions and credits that could benefit you.

But most Americans have pretty simple taxes: A job or two (form W-2), maybe a side gig (forms 1099 or 1099-NEC), some child tax credits, maybe a mortgage or a few minor additions. The chart below is for you.


Short Answer: Depending on when taxpayers file their returns, they can often receive their federal tax refund payment (check or direct deposit) within 10-21 days. If the IRS starts accepting returns at the end of January, as is usual, that means that someone who is able to file right away and are a due a refund, can often see the refund as early as mid- or late February if they have it direct deposited. That’s without an expensive “tax refund loan” or other similar product.

If you have multiple forms of income or certain assets, or certain family situations, you will likely have to wait a bit longer for all of your tax documents to come in before you are able to file. In particular taxpayers might have to wait a little longer if they have:

  • The Earned Income Tax Credit,
  • Child Tax Credit,
  • And a few other credits that require confirmation.

So, here’s the chart you were looking for. If the IRS announces any changes to tax law or potential date changes, we will update this chart. And remember: This is only an estimate of when to expect your refund.

Do not take these dates as exact predictions, as all taxpayers have different tax returns, documents, incomes, and other situations. Note that the first column is when the IRS “accepts” your return, which can be 2-3 days after the day you submitted it electronically, and the IRS will notify you of the actual date on which the agency “accepted” your return (usually by text or email). Mailing in a paper return can result in 3-4 weeks’ extra delay at the beginning of the process, since the IRS will need to enter it into their computer systems manually.

Estimated 2025 IRS Income Tax Return Chart

If the IRS Accepts an E-Filed Return By:Then Direct Deposit refund may be received as
early as 10 days after e-file accepted.
(E-filed, but paper check mailed apx. 1 week after that):
The IRS started accepting returns on Jan. 27, 2025.
Jan. 27, 2025Feb. 7 (Feb. 14)**
Feb. 3Feb. 14 (Feb. 21)**
Feb. 10Feb. 21 (Feb. 28)**
Feb. 17Feb. 28 (Mar. 7)**
Feb. 24Mar. 7 (Mar. 14)
Mar. 3Mar. 14 (Mar. 21)
Mar. 10Mar. 21 (Mar. 28)
Mar. 17Mar. 28 (Apr. 4)
Mar. 24***Apr. 4 (Apr. 11)***
Mar. 31***Apr. 11 (Apr. 18)***
Apr. 7 ***Apr. 18 (Apr. 25)***
Apr. 14***Apr. 25 (May 2)***

** = Returns with EITC or CTC may have refunds delayed until March to verify credits.

*** = Filing during peak season (late March through April 15) can result in slightly longer waits.

IRS Accepts Return By:Direct Deposit Sent (Or Paper Check Mailed one week later)
Apr. 21May 2 (May 9)
Apr. 28May 9 (May 16)
May 5May 16 (May 23)
May 12May 23 (May 30)
May 19May 30 (June 6)

If your IRS income tax refund is delayed after you’ve filed, ask your tax professional, or simply use the “Where’s My Refund?” tool on the IRS website to check the status of your refund. Or you can download the IRS2Go app to check your refund status. It’s a good idea to e-file your tax return as soon as you have all of your tax documents (like your W2, 1099s, mortgage and student loan interest, and other items) as e-filing generally ensures a faster turnaround time.

Several factors can determine when a taxpayer might receive his or her tax refund, including:

  • How early the return is filed;
  • If the taxpayer is claiming certain credits (especially EITC and CTC);
  • Whether the return is e-filed or sent by mail;
  • Whether the taxpayer has existing debts to the federal government.

Be Safe – Hire a Professional

Taxpayers who use a professional, such as a CPA or EA, can ask that professional for the estimated date of their tax refund, and they can be more confident that their taxes have been properly (and legally) filed. (And you can often save, or get a bigger refund, by using a professional.)

There are also apps for Apple, Android and other devices that help track refund status.

What If You Can’t File Your Income Taxes By April 15?

Any taxpayer who can’t file their return by April 15 for any reason (such as they don’t have all of the paperwork needed in order to file their taxes) can easily file an extension form, “Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return.” (Link to IRS Form 4868.) Any tax pro can help you with this, as well. This will give the taxpayer until October 15, 2025, to file the federal tax return. No reason or excuse is needed to receive this extension, and as the title states, it is automatically granted. Be sure to check the extension rules for your particular state as the extension date may differ from the date for the federal return extension.

Note that if a person will owe taxes with the tax return, it is still that taxpayer’s obligation to pay those taxes by April 15, 2025, even if an extension to file has been requested. A tax professional can assist with this payment process. Those who are due a refund generally only need to file the extension request by April 15, 2025. Any tax professional and most do-it-yourself tax programs can perform this task.

Tax Refund Estimators:

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Comments: 45

Tomeka JacksonFebruary 16 2025 at 8:40 am

Every year it's an issue with tax refunds, especially the past few years. I hate filing taxes because it's always some kind of debate that comes with it. No problem at all when you have to pay them. Just, cut out income taxes and let us have our money through the year.. Hell ww work for it.. Geeesh!

Maryann R RoeFebruary 16 2025 at 11:54 am

I haven't worked. In 2024 2023 I have no dependent. I am a house keeper and cook in exchange for caring for an senior woman on oxygen bed ridden and copd. Can I get a refund ?

AustinFebruary 16 2025 at 1:16 pm

That's why I filed my taxes immediately upon getting my tax forms. I knew this was coming and actually got my refund in 4 days, the fastest return I've ever had. If you sat on it and procrastinated then that's on you.

CoreyFebruary 16 2025 at 2:26 pm

When will my taxes be here

Stephanie RogersFebruary 17 2025 at 4:44 am


Ashley sheltonFebruary 17 2025 at 6:33 am

I filed January 26 mine were accepted the 27th of January.. Wen will I receive my refund

YvetteFebruary 17 2025 at 3:08 pm

Firing IRS workers in the middle of tax evil....they get away with not filing taxes and don't expect a refund so what do they care? But bet those tax breaks for their pals will be untouched. Trying to save money everywhere but not one has mentioned cutting out those tax breaks for the wealthy. What a mess.

JasmineFebruary 17 2025 at 3:42 pm

Bring us back too 2010-2015 when we got our taxes and didn’t have too wait

Adrienne M PattersonFebruary 17 2025 at 6:17 pm

I filed the end of January and have 1 dependent child. When will I get my refund?

Walter BoykinFebruary 17 2025 at 8:22 pm

I sent all my tax forms in on 1/13/ 2025 which was 20,21,22,23, will I receive my tax refund

CarlosFebruary 17 2025 at 10:31 pm

I filed my taxes January 23 2025 and it still haven’t been processed, what are these people doing? I filed with turbo tax to receive my refund 5 days early, tomorrow is February 18th

Nikki LoveFebruary 18 2025 at 8:50 am

Every year, every freaking year there's a problem. I work a decent job and only claim myself throughout the year so I'm taxed higher on my pay and then claim my child on my taxes. Whether I do this or not doesn't matter, because EVERY YEAR there is a delay with the earned income credit and the child tax credit and it holds the entire refund. At least release the portion not tied to that. I wish we could tell the IRS "oh sorry, there's gonna be a delay in me paying my taxes, I need to verify the funds I'm paying you first". Why do they need to 'verify' them every year. It's bs at this point. Although what do you expect from an organization that taxes your income along with everything else you buy?

Sergio CastilloFebruary 18 2025 at 9:26 am

Why is it this IRS department can ever get it together! I filed January 16th and then found out nothing til the 27th and now due to EIC there's a delay due to too many issues or excuses

KeishaFebruary 18 2025 at 10:53 am

Tump is an A**HOLE!! Why fire people during tax season. D*ck in the b**ty a** n**ga

I filed my January 27thFebruary 18 2025 at 11:54 am

When will I get my taxes I am having a hard time I need to move

Caleb JungFebruary 18 2025 at 12:08 pm

Did my taxes efile on my phone thru my cash app on January 29th , still no word by email or deposited in cash app I received message they accepted it but that was all

Luis OrtizFebruary 18 2025 at 12:11 pm

I filed my taxes January 22 with two dependents and I did it with TurboTax and paid $25 to get it five days early and today is the 18th and still no refund yet. What is going on with our refund?

WilletteFebruary 18 2025 at 12:24 pm

This is absurd. Filed on 1/27/2025 and still nothing. At least provide a date for people. I agree with no taxes taken out and let us keep our money all year instead, because this process has gotten slower every year.

Shannon BFebruary 18 2025 at 12:37 pm

I’m over my 21 days.. I filed January 22nd this makes no sense ..I’m sure if we owed the money would have been garnished before a letter was even sent out. You take it faithfully every pay day please pay us the same way .

Donita CheshireFebruary 18 2025 at 12:40 pm

I filed on the 2-27, when will my refunds go to the emerald card and my direct deposit for the rest of my return, I keep checking but the "robot" keeps saying 0

Natasha FrostFebruary 18 2025 at 1:17 pm

I agree with comment about let's go back when PRESIDENT OBAMA in office those 8 yrs. it was great,we got our tax refund within 2 wks. I HATE THEY PAST THIS LAW TO WAIT 21 DAYS. most peoples are not rich, i am living paycheck to paycheck,grocery is high,gas for your car is moderate, MOST AMERICANS,WE NEED OUR REFUND BACK WITHIN 10 DAYS. ALSO,THOSE IRS WORKERS MUST BE JUST EATING DONUTS OR DRINKING COFFEE AND NOT WORKING!!!!

Stacey BFebruary 18 2025 at 3:09 pm

Wth is going on??? I need my taxes back. I filed in the 23rd of January and it still says received but they haven't approved not a dang thing. Smh. What them workers doing cause they sure ain't doing our taxes 😞

Jonisha RiceFebruary 18 2025 at 4:30 pm

I filed on 1/15/2025, Was Approved On 1/16/2025 it's February 18,2025 Still Haven't Heard Are Saw Ain't Changes.Talking About Making America Great Again 😮‍💨😡

James GillespieFebruary 19 2025 at 12:19 am

I filed on January 3rd got an email that it was accepted the 22nd here it is the 18th of February well over the 21 days haven't seen nothing. H&r block says it's been e-filed and accepted but just says it's been approved it's going on 2 months from the day I filed smh.

Isabel ValdezFebruary 19 2025 at 12:25 am

I filed January 18 for approved by the 21st only received one part of my tax refund and haven’t gotten the second half

WilliamFebruary 19 2025 at 8:14 am

So why are we having to wait there is no reason to have to wait I see on one news article oh tax refunds are being issued but EIC and CTC i understand they have to wait til the middle of February to process but I filed mine early so mine should have been one of the 1st on the 15th to be processed

Ashlee AndrewsFebruary 19 2025 at 9:11 am

I filled my taxes on Jan 17th I was accepted on January 29th and it's saying my payment is pending but nothing else

Danie AlfaroFebruary 19 2025 at 9:19 am

I mean…. Can’t say I didn’t see this coming with who got elected into office. Maybe keep bankrupt reality TV hosts, and billionaire sociopath wingmen OUT of the government. Maybe now all the poor and lower middle class right winged nut jobs will be able to see “Oh hey, he actually DOES NOT care about me. Maybe all of the people who told me that he doesn’t have my interest at heart- were right.” I hope he doesn’t royally fuck us all… but if he does, the silver lining is that some of his blindly faithful supporters will have a rude awakening. Your Father Trump left you for the next best thing, enjoy your daddy issues.

Anthony BibbFebruary 19 2025 at 10:05 am

I filled on 1/27/2025 and still waiting for my taxes refund still and I e file on that day and I did my on turbo tax and got accepted on there on 1/27/2025 so when am I getting my taxes refund so I am not getting my refund to march now

Doug McDowellFebruary 19 2025 at 11:19 am

It's almost as if those who voted for that con artist believe somehow they are going to be spared all the pain and chaos we're already beginning to see, while all those on the other side suffer. Newsflash: We will All pay the price for his presidency, not just those of us who voted otherwise. Taxes and firings are just the tip of the iceberg.

Doug McDowellFebruary 19 2025 at 11:26 am

Taxes are just the tip of the iceberg with this administration. It's like those who voted for the con somehow believe they are going to be spared all the pain and chaos that was guaranteed with his election. Sad newsflash: we're All going to be paying the price, ALL of us.

Rosalinda MartinezFebruary 19 2025 at 12:37 pm

My opinion is the poor get poorer the rich gets richer but you voted for him we the people not me so know tell them rich bastards people voted for to put there billions on the line hell they won't it's sad cause they have all the money and don't have to suffer I still ain't my tax return either

Jason DunnFebruary 19 2025 at 1:49 pm

I filled and was supposed to get my refund feb.15-17th its been 2 days already, Why fire people during this time smh

Sonia SkewnFebruary 19 2025 at 3:51 pm

To those who Voted for this Clown, should stop complaining. He’s a con artist and he doesn’t care about nobody but himself. We all work so hard to live, and they take our money out of our paychecks, and when it’s time to get some of it back this is what happens. Such BS

EmilyFebruary 19 2025 at 9:14 pm

I filed 1-27, accepted on 1/28 with child tax credit. when will i see my refund?

Jennifer ThonasFebruary 20 2025 at 3:33 am

I filed on 1/22 accepted 1/23 and. Still haven’t received . This is crazy give people their dang money we gotta eat and we got bills to pay . Come on man

CarlFebruary 20 2025 at 8:04 am

Mine was accepted on 1-17 . I e-filed with TurboTax and had a date of 2-9 to receive my refund. On 2-8 I got a email from TurboTax saying that because of the earned income credit that my date moved to 3-3. I paid $25 to receive my refund 5 days early but this is bs . If I get it on 2-27 instead of 3-3 I bet they will still take the $25 which is really a catch 22

A.J. MakibbinFebruary 20 2025 at 12:15 pm

Mine was accepted January 28th, Still showing in a received status even though i filed electronically and did direct deposit.

StaceyFebruary 20 2025 at 2:48 pm

Did mine on the 28th of January, got accepted a day after and these delays don't make it any better sadly.

Nessie CarttomFebruary 20 2025 at 2:59 pm

i filed on the 15 of feb hot email they received but did not give a daye can you tell me when they come out

Johnnie FITZGERALDFebruary 20 2025 at 5:18 pm

Wow this sad situation 😭 They know what they are doin delaying folks money😢

Johnnie FITZGERALDFebruary 20 2025 at 5:18 pm

Wow this sad situation 😭 They know what they are doin delaying folks money😢 Nonething but the Devil🙌

DonDinnaTheLastOneLeftFebruary 21 2025 at 1:10 am

Who didn't vote is my question? When will people start to see that all this voting bullshit is a joke and we're getting screwed. I encourage my family not to vote. Not till we got a big fishbowl full of votes and we the people can sit in lawn chairs wherever they want to count the votes. I encourage my family not to vote until we the people are not picking between two evils. I encourage my family not to vote until we have an American that's showed his works on American soil, and is willing to give his life like our soldiers have to protect and serve our country. My family hasn't voted yet. Maybe one day in their lifetime cause I don't see it happening in ours. Just a thought to some but a reality to me and mine. That's all.

Heather HMarch 18 2025 at 4:59 pm

We filed February 14th with a tax professional. We do have an earned income child credit (whatever you call it). On the IRS website it's been stuck in the received. I checked with our tax professional and she said she hasn't heard anything other than she thinks it's bc of all the firings going on. I'm like you others, where is our refund? We have 4 kids to support, a home, and live paycheck to paycheck. Even that's not enough bc any overtime my husband works gets taxed, so he's working for free. My daughter's return is in the same situation and she called and they gave her two different answers, they didn't get them, they did get them (but the date was a date before they even filed). There's so much in the media, why isn't this in the media? I saw an article that said there's no delays and the irs is doing fine! Really!!!!

    isaacobannonMarch 19 2025 at 3:31 am

    Ask your tax preparer. We are a news website, not the IRS. We have no access to your information.

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