Baldwin Appointed to Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council

Accounting Standards | March 18, 2025

Baldwin Appointed to Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council

Barbara Baldwin currently serves as the executive director of the Council of Internal Auditing for the State Budget and Management Office of the state of North Carolina.

The Board of Trustees of the Financial Accounting Foundation has announced the appointment of Barbara Baldwin, CPA to serve on the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council. She will represent the National Association of State Budget Officers, with her term beginning March 1, 2025.

Baldwin currently serves as the executive director of the Council of Internal Auditing for the State Budget and Management Office of the state of North Carolina. She has worked in state government for over three decades and is a seasoned expert in audit and financial management. Baldwin oversees and provides strategic guidance to internal audit functions across state government, ensuring adherence to the state’s internal audit mandates.

“The Board of Trustees is pleased to have Ms. Baldwin join the GASAC,” said Edward C. Bernard, chair of the FAF Board of Trustees. “Her background, having served multiple state governments providing audits, and both financial and investigative reviews will bring a unique perspective to the discussions.”

The GASAC advises the Governmental Accounting Standards Board on strategic and technical issues, project priorities, and other matters that affect standards setting. Members of the GASAC are responsible for consulting with the GASB on technical issues on the Board’s agenda, project priorities, matters likely to require the attention of the GASB, selection and organization of Task Forces, and such other matters as may be requested by the GASB or its chair.

“It is a pleasure to welcome Barbara to the GASAC, her in-depth knowledge of state governmental finances and procedures will provide an excellent perspective on our upcoming projects and agenda items.” said GASB Chair Joel Black.

For a complete list of current GASAC members, visit the GASAC webpage.

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