Andrew Argue, CPA – 2023 “20 Under 40” Influencer
Corvee.com and Instead.com
Recent Career Highlights
- Launched Instead.com for businesses and their accountants to manage key tax positions with AI
- Corvee crossed 1.8 billion in all-time tax savings for our customers and their clients
- Attended CPA.com AI Symposium
- Attended AICPA/CPA.com Executive Roundtable
- Attended Digital CPA
What are you doing to make a difference in the profession, your community, the world?
Our goal has been to help the tax industry provide higher value services to clients by moving from compliance to advisory leveraging technology and artificial intelligence. This leads to more savings, less time, and more access to these services while helping professionals spend less time on tedious work and more time on meaningful work and client relationships.
Current Professional Reading / Listening
- The Player of Games (1988)
- Elon Musk
- The Beginning of Infinity
- Amp It Up
- Youtube videos and interviews
See all of the 2023 “40 Under 40” and “20 Under 40” honorees.
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