
March 28, 2014

Firm Offers Guidance on IRS Final “Repair” Regulations

The new IRS "Repair" regulations too effect on January 2014, but many businesses and accounting professionals may still need some guidance on how the new changes effect them or their clients. The national tax, consulting and forensic accounting firm Gettry Marcus has issued its interpretation and made the information available.

The new IRS “Repair” regulations too effect on January 2014, but many businesses and accounting professionals may still need some guidance on how the new changes effect them or their clients. The national tax, consulting and forensic accounting firm Gettry Marcus has issued its interpretation and made the information available.

The regulations provide a massive revision to the rules on capitalizing and deducting costs incurred with respect to tangible property. The regulations apply to amounts paid to acquire, produce or improve tangible property; every business is affected, especially those with significant fixed assets.

Required and Elective Changes
There is a lot of work ahead for most taxpayers to comply with the new rules. There are three categories of changes under the regulations:

  •     Changes that are required and are retroactive, with full adjustments under Code Sec. 481(a), in effect applying the regulations to previous years
  •     Required changes with modified or prospective Code Sec. 481(a) adjustment beginning in 2014
  •     Elective changes that do not require any adjustments under Code Sec. 481

Required changes with full adjustments include unit of property changes, deducting repairs (including the routine maintenance safe harbor), deducting dealer expenses that facilitate the sale of property, the optional method for rotable spare parts, capitalizing improvements and capitalizing certain acquisition or production costs. Elective changes can include capitalizing repair and maintenance costs if they are capitalized for financial accounting purposes.

Rev. Proc. 2014-16
The IRS issued Rev. Proc. 2014-16, granting automatic consent to taxpayers to change their accounting methods to comply with the final regulations. Rev. Proc. 2014-16 applies to all the significant provisions in the final regulations, such as repairs and improvements; materials and supplies, including rotable and temporary spare parts; and costs that have to be capitalized as improvements. Rev. Proc. 2014-16 supersedes Rev. Proc. 2012-19, which applied to changes made under the temporary and proposed repair regulations issued at the end of 2011.

There are 14 automatic method changes provided by Rev. Proc. 2014-16 for the repair regulations. Taxpayers may file for automatic consent on a single Form 3115, even if they are making changes in more than area. The normal scope limitations on changing accounting methods do not apply to a taxpayer making one or more changes for any tax year beginning before January 1, 2015. Scope changes would normally apply if the taxpayer is under examination, is in the final year of a trade or business, or is changing the same accounting method it changed in the previous five years.

Filing Deadlines
For past years, taxpayers can apply the 2011 proposed and temporary (TD 9564) regulations or the 2013 final regulations to either 2012 or 2013, and can do this on a section-by-section basis. Taxpayers that decide to apply the final or temporary regulations to 2013 must file for an automatic change of accounting method (Form 3115) by September 15, 2014. Taxpayers applying the regulations to 2014 must file for an automatic change by September 15, 2015. (Both dates apply to calendar-year taxpayers.) The government has indicated it is unlikely to postpone the effective date of the regulations.

Rev. Proc. 2014-16 does not apply to dispositions of tangible property. The government issued re-proposed regulations in this area (NPRM REG-110732-13). Although these regulations may not be finalized until later in 2014, the IRS expects to issue Rev. Proc. 2014-17 before then to allow taxpayers to make automatic accounting method changes under the proposed regulations. The procedure will provide some relief by allowing taxpayers to revoke general asset account elections that they made under the temporary regulations. No comments were submitted on these proposed regulations; it is likely the final regulations will not have any significant changes.

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