OK CPA plate

January 15, 2020

Do You Have a CPA License Plate on Your Car?

Many states also have “specialty” license plates for charitable groups, veterans, service organizations, and even professionals. And yes, some states even have special license plates available for Certified Public Accountants.

Isaac M. O'Bannon

Americans have long enjoyed putting fun, witty or descriptive phrases on personalized license plates. Even before Kramer from Seinfeld wasaccidentally issued a custom license plate intended for a proctologist (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2X_XNdmWws), we’ve enjoyed the art of the pun in six or seven letters or numbers.

MSCPA plateDespite stereotypes, accountants and CPAs are not immune to humor (really), and many have participated in the art of custom plates. Check out this article for the best personalized accountant plates.

But many states also have “specialty” license plates for charitable groups, veterans, service organizations, and even professionals. Most started with promoting state tourism or broad causes, but some states now have 50 or more license plate options, spanning issues such as autism awareness, youth organizations, education, child abuse prevention, environment causes, professional organizations, sport teams, colleges and more.

And yes, some states even have special license plates available for Certified Public Accountants.

NY CPA plate

With state legislatures perpetually trying to find new ways to increase revenue without using the word “tax,” many have turned to these optional extra-fee tags. And yes, they are a form of voluntary tax or fee, but at least it’s more fun than most of the others.

How they Work:

MACPA plateIn addition to your annual vehicle registration fees, the states that offer these plate options charge an initial fee ($20-60) for issuing the license plate, and then an annual fee thereafter ($10-$50) on top of your regular registration fees. In some states, you must apply through your state CPA society, but in others you can apply online and upload a copy of your credential or CPA license number.

Which States Have CPA License Plates:

  • Maryland
  • Mississippi
  • Oklahoma
  • New York
  • Virginia

(These are the states I found. If you know of another state that has plates for accountants or CPAs, let me know.)


  • One time issue fee of $25 for random numbers/letters
  • No personalization of numbers/letters offered
  • No additional annual renewal fee.
  • (In addition to regular annual vehicle registration fees.)


  • One time issue fee of $31 for random numbers/letters
  • No personalization of numbers/letters offered
  • ($24 of the fee goes to MSCPA scholarship program)
  • No additional annual renewal fee.

New York:

  • One time issue fee of $60 for random numbers/letters
  • One time issue fee of $91.25 for personalized numbers/letters
  • Annual renewal fee of $31.25 for random, or $62.50 for personalized
  • (In addition to regular annual vehicle registration fees.)


  • One time issue fee of $20 for random numbers/letters
  • Annual renewal fee of $16.55
  • No personalization of numbers/letters offered
  • (In addition to regular annual vehicle registration fees.)


  • One time issue fee of $10 for random or personalized numbers/letters
  • Annual renewal fee of $10 for random or personalized
  • (In addition to regular annual vehicle registration fees.)
  • (Also available with a disability symbol)

(Fees listed above are as of a check of state DMV websites on January 14, 2020.)


VA CPA plate

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