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Brian Tankersley


Phone: 865.684.4707

Brian Tankersley is a technology contributor for CPA Practice Advisor, and is a frequent speaker at national continuing education courses on auditing and technology, as well as a consultant, coach and instructor for K2 Enterprises.

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Firm Management

2014 Review of Commercial Logic APS Advance Practice Management

APS Advance Practice Management is a customizable solution which best meets the needs of large accounting firms. The solution is built on the Microsoft SQL server platform. The application is flexible enough that the firm will need to know how they want to work with the application, and should not be expecting a “standard” implementation with this very powerful and flexible tool kit. A number of stock dashboards are provided with APS Advanced Practice Management, but users will want to configure the metrics tracked to meet their firm’s specific requirements.


2014 Review of Virtual CFO Platforms (aka, Cloud Write-Up)

The transition away from traditional, after-the-fact client write-up systems and to collaborative, real-time financial reporting systems has taken many years, but we are starting to see the outline of the systems of the future. Cloud-based software will be used to help practitioners and clients work together on a business, and will yield results which are more timely and less compliance-oriented than traditional write up products.