In this issue
April 22, 2013
Great Leaders Make Themselves Replaceable!
What would happen if you suddenly and unexpectedly could not work? What would happen to your firm? Would things run smoothly, or would it be utter chaos?
April 9, 2013
Portals, Email or Something Else – What’s Right for CPAs and Their Clients
Over the past 20 years we have had the pleasure of assisting many firms down the paperless path. In the last five to ten years, portals have become popular.
April 3, 2013
Two Key Questions for Accounting Firms and CPAs
I recently attended the second annual Cloud Symposium along with 48 other industry thought leaders. CPA2Biz executives hosted the event at AICPA corporate offices in New York.
Firm Management April 2, 2013
Mobile Scanning Options for Accounting and Tax Professionals
Many accountants need or want to capture documents outside of the office. Whether you have an audit team working in the field or you just need to capture an image of a W-2, there are many hardware and software tools which can be used to create PDF versions of paper documents.
March 27, 2013
Preparing for the Challenges of Tomorrow’s Accounting Professionals: 2013 Thought Leader Symposium
Successful accounting professionals understand the need to continue to pursue opportunities for greater productivity, greater efficiency and ultimately, greater profitability.
March 27, 2013
Reviewing PC-Matic
You’ve seen the ads. The ineffective husband trying to clean viruses off of his machine. The college student who wants a new laptop because hers is running “too slowly.” The flower shop girl whose PC is so slow she can’t complete a transaction. Yes, the ads are like fingers on the chalkboard of PC utilities.…
March 27, 2013
Which Portal is Right for Your Firm?
One of the real challenges associated with selecting portal solutions is the way the product fits into a company’s workflow. We selected eleven portal products for this year’s review (and could have easily located and reviewed 50 solutions, assuming unlimited money and caffeine were available).