In this issue

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April 17, 2015 

The Top Technologies for Accounting Firms

A firm's management programs and client offerings have to match its strategies. During your annual retreat, you should consider the business you are in today, the business you’d like to be in in the future, and who your clients are.

Randy Johnston

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April 17, 2015 

10 Real Ways to Make Your Computer Run Faster

It seems as though no matter how hard we try to speed up our computers – more RAM, faster processors and better hard drives – they still take forever to do what we want them to do. Web pages load like sludge. Applications take forever to run.

Dave McClure

 How to Do Billing and Accounts Receivable Better

April 17, 2015 

How to Do Billing and Accounts Receivable Better

Whether you're managing the cash flow of your own accounting firm or helping your clients solve their receivables problems, these tips from the experts might give you some ideas for getting the job done more effectively.


April 17, 2015 

Apps We Love – Organizational Tools for Professionals

Who doesn't want to be better organized? With today's apps, there are lots of opportunities available to organize various aspects of your business and personal live. We asked members of the CPA Practice Advisor audience and family to share some of their f

Gail Perry

 Registered Agents – Who Needs Them?

April 17, 2015 

Registered Agents – Who Needs Them?

The selection of a registered agent is not a trivial matter. This agent is required to have a physical address in the state (post office boxes and private rented mailboxes don't count) and be willing to be available during normal business hours to ...

Gail Perry


April 17, 2015 

Security – A Balancing Act for Accounting Firms

Security has been a top priority for firms for years. It has consistently ranked at or near the top of the AICPA’s annual top technology initiatives. So why does it seem there is more chatter now on the topic than in recent years?

Jim Boomer

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March 24, 2015 

10 Networking Tips for Accounting Firm Leaders

From regular meet-ups with colleagues to social media, executives of accounting firms have many avenues when it comes to connecting with others and enlarging their circles. Read on for 10 tips on how to get the most out of your networks.

Paul McDonald