In this issue

BGCALASKA 20blue 20white 20back 20logo 1  5967d15f0834e

July 24, 2017 

AccuFund Helps Alaskan Nonprofit Make Dreams Come True

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Alaska turned to AccuFund to help them meet their mission, and it has helped them even more by improving the organization’s efficiency and accuracy, and giving remote access to vital staff, even those in a location like ...

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July 24, 2017 

The Power of Female Networks

When looking at your priorities, both at home and at work, networking likely falls somewhere near the bottom of the list. Time spent on career development is also time that could be spent with loved ones. But if you can spend just 10% of your week ...

Amy Vetter

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July 21, 2017 

Best Practices for Managing Nonprofit Finances

To avoid financial problems or the failure of a nonprofit, it is imperative to monitor the organization’s financial health - by employing good corporate governance. Governance is defined as the process of providing strategic leadership and exercising ...

Sibi Thomas

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July 21, 2017 

Financial Basics for Nonprofit Boards

Many people consider a position on a nonprofit board a recognition of their financial contributions and other efforts to support the organization. But it goes well beyond that. One of the main fiduciary responsibilities of a board member is helping ...

Sibi Thomas

 July 2017 Accounting & Audit Channel

July 21, 2017 

July 2017 Accounting & Audit Channel

Sixty-three percent of CFOs surveyed say they are expect revenue growth, one of the highest levels in the survey’s history, and only 18 percent claim a bias toward cost reduction, for a survey-high net value of plus 45 percent.

 July 2017 Tax Channel

July 20, 2017 

July 2017 Tax Channel

New Tax Scam Plugs Into Electronic Fears By Ken Berry, J.D., Tax Correspondent Now scammers are trying to scare taxpayers by thinking their payments to them will be linked to the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). The IRS is alerting the public about the latest tax scam making the rounds (IR-2017-107, 6/15/17). In this...…

 July 2017 Small Business Channel

July 20, 2017 

July 2017 Small Business Channel

Most Businesses Will Increase Cloud Computing Spending in 2017 By Isaac M. O’Bannon, Managing Editor Businesses have become less skeptical of cloud computing, more confident in its security, and more inclined to invest money in it, according to new findings. Nearly 70% of U.S. businesses surveyed by B2B ratings and reviews firm Clutch say that they...…

 July 2017 Firm Management Channel

July 20, 2017 

July 2017 Firm Management Channel

Laws seem to be moving towards making mandatory retirement illegal due to age discrimination. Can CPA firms still safely provide for mandatory retirement in their partner agreements?


July 20, 2017 

July 2017 Payroll Channel

What's the hottest summer perk? Workers surveyed by staffing firm OfficeTeam said they're most interested in flexible schedules (39 percent) and the ability to leave early on Fridays (30 percent).


July 19, 2017 

Apps We Love – Government Apps

As accountants, when we think of government apps, our minds frequently point to the IRS and state revenue agency apps. But there is so much more. I had fun this month exploring apps our government has to offer and was surprised at how much our ...

Gail Perry

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July 19, 2017 

2017 Review of Nonprofit Accounting Systems

While it’s common practice for very small nonprofits to utilize standard accounting applications, even the smallest nonprofit can benefit from utilizing a product designed specifically for their needs. Unfortunately, there are those that use ...

Mary Girsch-Bock

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July 18, 2017 

What Have You Done For Your Clients Lately?

Just think about what consumers want today: online ordering and delivery right to their door, instant access to people at all levels using social media, constant updates on news through alerts on their smartphones and even their watches ...

Gail Perry

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July 18, 2017 

Accounting Software is Making Progress

If your firm intends to be a trusted advisor in accounting, it is time to consider the myriad of changes made in the past year and announcements to be made in 2017. There are so many pending announcements from significant publishers and vendors ...

Randy Johnston

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July 11, 2017 

Are You Focused on the Right Things?

We’re midway through 2017. How are you coming along with the goals you set at the beginning of the year? Do you still have a positive outlook for what lies ahead? Almost before we know it, fall deadlines will be here, then year end, then many of you ...

Jim Boomer

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June 19, 2017 

Taking the Pain Out of Expenses

Most accountants I know like helping people and contributing to making their businesses successful. Even though many accountants deal with the details of compliance through financials, tax and audit, most aren’t fans of the drudgery of the work that ...

Randy Johnston