In this issue

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November 13, 2015 

A Simple Approach to Training

While you certainly have to take into account learning styles, I would like to share a simple training approach that I learned from my partner, Dustin Hostetler. It is a proven process that has been used successfully by our clients and in a variety of ...

Jim Boomer

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November 8, 2015 

If SaaS Won’t Do It, What About Cloud Hosting?

Software as a Service (SaaS) is making great progress. However, if you can’t solve your business needs with all SaaS tools, and you want to live in the cloud, how do you do that? We’ve discussed in prior columns the advantages of private cloud and ...

Randy Johnston

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November 3, 2015 

6 Tips for Tax Season Staffing at Accounting Firms

With tax season looming, now is the time for accounting firms to ramp up their staffing strategy. Determining your needed mix of full-time and temporary professionals — before holiday time-off — will set you on a course for success come 2016.

Paul McDonald

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November 2, 2015 

Year-End Insights for State and Local Taxes

The deduction for taxes claimed on Schedule A includes amounts paid for state and local income taxes such as the taxes withheld from your paychecks and any estimated taxes paid during the year. It also includes property taxes if you’re a homeowner.

Ken Berry, JD