In this issue

 Powerful Women

November 23, 2020 

Powerful Women

With well over 200 nominations this year, our judges were faced with the enormous task of sorting through the candidates who brought forward a level of dedication and exemplary job performance that has surpassed all previous years.

Gail Perry


November 23, 2020 

2020 Review of Sales and Use Tax Systems

Today, sales and use tax automation is a necessity for any retailer of any size. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling from a single location in Chicago, or have locations across the U.S., you need something that will properly collect and ...

Mary Girsch-Bock

automation future success Pixabay User Geralt-2917048_1280

November 5, 2020 

Digital Transformation Beats Paperless Processes

When firms were forced to work remotely in March of this year, the pandemic exposed the places where “paperless” processes were just “less paper.” Many firms were still sending employees into the office to open mail, scan documents, send invoices and ...

Arianna Campbell


October 28, 2020 

Removing the Fear from Long-Term Remote Work

If you’re a firm owner or a member of a leadership team, you’re probably starting to worry about the long-term ramifications of everyone working from home. While trepidation is warranted, it shouldn’t be overblown.

Amy Vetter