July 5, 2012
Tpp2Go Episode 15: Exploring the Concept of the Binder
Listen as Darren and Dave discuss the Binder and discuss the difference between a Binder and an engagement application.
May 8, 2012
Tech2Go Episdode 59: Different Tax Workflow Products
Listen as Darren and Randy discuss the different tax workflow products, where they position themselves and where Darren and Randy see tax workflow heading.
February 23, 2012
Tech2Go Episode 58: What kind of consulting are firms looking for?
Randy and Darren discuss several things that firms are getting consulting help for. Listen to the many different areas firms are asking for help.
February 2, 2012
TPP2Go Episode 14: Different Types of Scan & Organize Products in the Marketplace and the Difference in Scan & Organize and Scan, Organize & Populate
Listen as Darren and Dave talk about the different types of scan & organize products and how they differ. They will also go into the difference in Scan & Organize and Scan, Organize and Populate and how to move your firm to the next level link to the audio
January 25, 2012
Tech2Go Episode 57: The New Stuff Discussed at CES
Listen as Randy explains to Darren all the new things discussed at CES that will affect the accounting industry.
December 29, 2011
Tech2Go Episode 56: Should you take your firm to the clouds
Darren and Randy point out the benefits and detriments of going to the clouds and what exactly it means for you to go to the clouds with your specific tax software.
December 2, 2011
TPP2Go Episode 13: Change Management
Guest: Raj Kapur, Executive Vice President, The Center for Project Management Darren and Raj discuss how change management continues to grow.
November 22, 2011
Tech2Go Episode 55: Tis the Conference Season
Join Darren and Randy as they discuss their experiences at the Thomson Reuters, CCH and Sleeter Conferences.
October 28, 2011
Tech2Go Episode 54: Apple’s New IOS 5
Darren and Randy discuss Apple's new IOS 5, Darren's experience buying the new iPhone 4s and security challenges.
October 28, 2011
TPP2Go Episode 12: What SPBinder Can Do for Your Firm
Join Darren and Dave as they discuss how SPBinder can be used in your firm.
September 6, 2011
Tech2Go Episode 53: Changes in Software
Darren and Randy start off discussing their views on recent shows in the industry. They also discuss ProAdvisor changes and what Intuit is doing with their QuickBooks Online platform.
September 1, 2011
Tech2Go Episode 52: Website Design and Search Engine Optimization
Listen to Darren and Randy as they discuss website design, SEO, portals, portal integration and how they all come together.