Accounting Standards

 FAF Issues Annual Report

May 8, 2014 

FAF Issues Annual Report

The Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF), which oversees FASB and GASB, has issued its 2013 Annual Report, detailing the organization's activities and key issues during the past year.

 AICPA Opposes Legislation That Would Limit Cash Accounting Methods

May 1, 2014 

AICPA Opposes Legislation That Would Limit Cash Accounting Methods

In a letter to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) has voiced strong opposition to draft legislation that would limit the use of the cash method of accounting for pass-through entities and personal service corporations.

 IFRS Foundation Seeks Advisory Council Members

April 30, 2014 

IFRS Foundation Seeks Advisory Council Members

The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation are seeking applications for membership of the IFRS Advisory Council, after the terms of a number of its members expire at the end of 2014. The primary objective of the Advisory Council is to provide a forum where the IASB and the Trustees consults individuals and representatives of organizations…

 New XBRL GAAP Pension Analysis Tool Finds Errors in SEC Filings

April 23, 2014 

New XBRL GAAP Pension Analysis Tool Finds Errors in SEC Filings

XBRL US has announced the publication of its new online US GAAP Pension Analyzer. The tool is available for free to public company reporting managers that runs a set of rules against the pension disclosure within an XBRL-formatted financial statement. XBRL US is the nonprofit consortium for XBRL reporting in the US.

 GASB Issues Statement on Measurement of Assets and Liabilities

April 16, 2014 

GASB Issues Statement on Measurement of Assets and Liabilities

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has issued Concepts Statement No. 6, Measurement of Elements of Financial Statements, which will guide the GASB in establishing accounting and financial reporting standards for U.S. state and local governments regarding the measurement of assets and liabilities.

 GASB Offers New Toolkit for Pension Accounting Standards

March 11, 2014 

GASB Offers New Toolkit for Pension Accounting Standards

A new online pension implementation toolkit was released today by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The toolkit is designed to help preparers, auditors, and users of state and local government financial reports understand and apply the revised pension accounting and financial reporting standards that the GASB approved in June 2012. The toolkit is available…

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