

May 28, 2014 

GASB Moves to Improve State and Local Government Health Insurance and Benefits Reporting

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has voted unanimously to approve two Exposure Drafts proposing significant improvements to financial reporting by state and local governments of other postemployment benefits (OPEB), such as retiree health insurance. The GASB also approved a third Exposure Draft that would establish requirements for pensions and pension plans that are outside…

Isaac M. O'Bannon

 IASB and FASB Jointly Set New Revenue Recognition Standard

May 28, 2014 

IASB and FASB Jointly Set New Revenue Recognition Standard

The standard will improve the financial reporting of revenue and improve comparability of the top line in financial statements globally. Revenue is a vital metric for users of financial statements and is used to assess a company’s financial performance and prospects. However, the previous requirements of both IFRS and U.S. GAAP were different and often…

Isaac M. O'Bannon

 IRS Nixes “Pump-and-Dump” Obamacare Strategy

May 27, 2014 

IRS Nixes “Pump-and-Dump” Obamacare Strategy

Employers can’t get around the Obamacare “shared responsibility” provision simply by giving employees tax-free cash to pay for health insurance from a state-run exchange. In effect, this would pump up a worker’s pay and dump them in the marketplace. According to a new question and answer (Q&A) posted on the IRS website, as initially reported…

Ken Berry, JD

 Bay Area Workers Pushing for $15 Minimum Wage

May 26, 2014 

Bay Area Workers Pushing for $15 Minimum Wage

At $10.74 an hour, San Francisco already has the nation's highest big city minimum wage. But it could soon have company, as labor and community activists in cities from Richmond to Sunnyvale push wage increases that could turn the Bay Area into a high-wage hub.

 Alabama Governor Pushes Small Business Assistance

May 26, 2014 

Alabama Governor Pushes Small Business Assistance

A group of small business owners and politicians gathered at the Cullman, Alabama, Area Chamber of Commerce Friday to hear Governor Robert Bentley's pledge to bring more assistance to locally owned shops.


May 26, 2014 

NMGI Celebrates 30th Anniversary, Receives Award

Network Management Group, Inc. provides consulting, technology solutions, systems and related services to public and private sector clients throughout the United States. The MSP Mentor 200 award is annually identified by Nine Lives Media's North America edition.

 Resume Mistakes? HR Managers Becoming More Forgiving

May 21, 2014 

Resume Mistakes? HR Managers Becoming More Forgiving

Even in an era of typo-ridden texts and tweets, making a goof on your resume can still prove costly, according to a recent survey by Accountemps. Sixty-three percent of senior managers said just one or two resume mistakes would eliminate an applicant from consideration for a job.

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