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July 6, 2020 

Pandemic is Speeding the Shift to a Cashless Society

Tom Ivory, the founder of the Baker Street Bread Co. in Philadelphia’s Chestnut Hill section, fought a valiant effort for years to rein in bank fees by imposing a minimum credit card purchase of $10. But more customers wanted to go cashless, and Ivory eventually relented and accepted plastic for any transaction, no matter how...…


May 14, 2020 

2020 Review of WASP Inventory Cloud

WASP Inventory Cloud from WASP Barcode Technologies is best suited for mid-size and larger retail businesses that are also looking for sales, purchasing, and production capability. WASP Inventory Cloud also offers an on-premise solution for those that ...

Mary Girsch-Bock


April 16, 2020 

Apps We Love April 2020: Apps For Working From Home

Since so many of us are now working from home, we thought it would be appropriate to survey members of the CPA Practice Advisor community to find out what apps they are using to make working from home more effective.

Airport Denver

March 9, 2020 

Tech Firms Worry Business Impact of Coronavirus Will Last

With dozens of tech conferences and business trips already canceled or postponed, the Bay Area’s tourism and travel industries are affected. In addition, thousands of travelers from China normally come through Bay Area airports.

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February 28, 2020 

Why CPA Firms Should Outsource Cloud Accounting Hosting and Services in 2020

to augment their capabilities. Entrepreneur Here’s why … during tax seasonThe best and most robust IT networks are never 100% safe from data breaches. However, cloud-enabled security with a team of expert engineers watching over your network all the time will more reliably plug security gaps via automation than your IT lead or team, regardless...…


Accounting February 15, 2020 

What’s In Your Briefcase?

This column will go through some of the gear I carry with me when working out of the office. As someone who spends over 100 days a year traveling, I don’t have the option of waiting until I get back to the office to deal with most things.

Brian Tankersley

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February 11, 2020 

Demand for Fast Deployment and Ease-of-Use Drives AP Automation to the Cloud

Everyone wants and expects instant access to information. People demand the ability to conduct business at any time and from any location. Just as importantly, they want this capability now: Solution implementations must be quick and easy. These expectations ring true across the business spectrum, from end customers all the way to back-office teams such...…

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February 10, 2020 

Do You Have a Clear Technology Vision

Most impressive at CES this year were hardware solutions to real world problems. We’ll discuss each of them, but I was particularly impressed by new generation laptops, monitors (including a second portable monitor), scanners, keyboards and mice.

Randy Johnston

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