

March 23, 2022 

Majority of Employers Considering Retirement Plan Enhancements

Overall, the survey found three in four respondents (75%) that sponsor a DC plan made a change to their plan in the last two years and expect to make at least one change over the next two years. An additional 14% of sponsors that didn’t make a change ...

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March 23, 2022 

How to Nurture Clients Through a Technology Change

Many firms have an aversion to change because clients are creatures of habit. Even if new technology can streamline operations and make it easier for clients to work with your firm,, there’s often hesitation before adoption.

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March 18, 2022 

Nonprofits More Concerned on Finances and Staffing

Nonprofit leaders across the country are more concerned about their financial position and staffing than they were one year ago, despite the relative easing of the coronavirus pandemic. The shortfalls have hampered some nonprofits’ ability to deliver ...


March 17, 2022 

Botkeeper Launches BOS Platform

During a four-month long Beta program, Botkeeper’s client participants took the software through its paces with real-world customer data, perfecting usability, utility, and stability. With user testing now complete, the company will be rolling ...

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March 17, 2022 

Five Tax Elections for 2022 Income Tax Season

The mid-term elections don’t take place until November, but taxpayers may make other elections on their 2021 tax returns they must file by April 18. Following are five potential elections that could affect your 2021 tax liability.

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March 15, 2022 

Senate Bill Would Make Daylight Saving Time Year-Round

The Sunshine Protection Act, which was co-sponsored by lawmakers of both parties, would lock in next year’s switch to Daylight Saving Time in March. It follows a 2018 Florida law that would permanently lock in Daylight Saving Time contingent ...

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