
 App Depot

April 23, 2013 

App Depot

CPA Practice Advisor’s App Depot gives accounting, tax and business consulting professionals a single location to find the mobile tools that can help their firms and their clients be more connected to the data they need — no matter where they are. Better business insights equal more accurate planning, leading to more productive and profitable...…


April 19, 2013 

‘Tax Freedom Day’ arrived five days later this year

Tax day might have been Monday, but "Tax Freedom Day" arrived on Thursday, April 18, the 108th day of 2013, according to the Tax Foundation's annual calculation. Up until today, Americans have been working for the government.

 Investigating Health Insurance Fraud

April 15, 2013 

Investigating Health Insurance Fraud

The life of an average insurance fraud investigator isn't anything like on TV. There aren't late-night shootouts or wild car chases to track down bad guys.

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