
 AICPA: Accounting Firms Increasing Adoption of Cloud Services

November 20, 2013 

AICPA: Accounting Firms Increasing Adoption of Cloud Services

More CPA firms are embracing cloud solutions to transform their business, although with a greater focus on data security than a year ago, according to a recent survey by CPA2Biz, the technology subsidiary of the American Institute of CPAs.

 ID Theft as ‘Certain as Death and Taxes’

November 12, 2013 

ID Theft as ‘Certain as Death and Taxes’

Identity theft is so common now that even the investigators who pursue identity theft cases and the financial counselors who help consumers get back on track have become victims.

 Blog: Re-Visiting PC-Matic

October 2, 2013 

Blog: Re-Visiting PC-Matic

A long time ago…at least in terms of the life of a blogger…I did a quick overview of the PC-Matic utilities for personal computers. I wasn’t overly harsh, nor overly kind, and did mention that that in my mind the best service they provided was their newsletter.

Dave McClure


October 1, 2013 

How Accountants and Tax Pros Can Manage Business Risk

Summer may seem like a time where accountants can take a breath. They’re just past the April tax rush and still a ways ahead of end-of-year planning. But that timing makes August and September the optimum time to work on managing your practice – an essential part of which is managing business risk.


August 29, 2013 

The In-Firm Annual IT-Security Employee Briefing

Most organizations today assume that their IT personnel do an adequate job of protecting the firm’s network and data by implementing and monitoring firewalls, keeping their operating systems/applications up to date, and mandating password changes on a scheduled basis.

Roman Kepczyk


August 16, 2013 

4 Tips for Managing Outsourcing Risks

The perceived and real risk of outsourcing also seems to be increasing daily. News media and published reports frequently highlight cases of data breaches through rogue employees, hackers, and lost/stolen devices.

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