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August 26, 2015 

Businesses Need to Change Focus to Attract Millennials

Only 28 percent of Millennials feel their current organization is making full use of their skills. More than half (53 percent) aspire to become the leader or most senior executive within their current organization, with a clear ambition gap between ...

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August 17, 2015 

Ray Barlow Named VP of Accountant Solutions at Sage

Barlow joins Sage after leading the Accountant & Advisor Group at Intuit. During his time with Intuit, he built and led a team of Strategic Account Managers, Product Specialists, and Inside Account Managers to provide accountants with the products...


July 24, 2015 

Household Employment Updates for Families Hiring in the Upcoming Weeks

When a family decides to hire someone to work in their home, they’re frequently doing so for the first time. Whether they’ve just had their first child and need a nanny or they’re hiring someone to take care of an elderly or disabled loved one, the vast majority of Americans have a very limited understanding...…

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July 22, 2015 

TIps for Mentoring Young Accounting Professionals

Although the focus is a little different from mentoring programs offered by CPA firms to their young, full-time staff, the approach taken and the topics addressed are quite relevant and applicable.


July 22, 2015 

How to Retain Your Firm’s IT Superstars

Retention is a huge challenge for CPA firms across the country and most of the focus and discussion is on accounting staff. What isn’t addressed nearly enough is retaining talent in important functional areas such as IT, HR, Marketing and Training.

Jim Boomer

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