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April 9, 2020 

IRS Issues CARES Act Guidance for Taxpayers with NOLs

The Internal Revenue Service today has issued guidance providing tax relief under the CARES Act for taxpayers with net operating losses. Recently the IRS issued tax relief for partnerships filing amended returns.

Smartvault Hub

April 9, 2020 

SmartVault Creates Covid-19 Resource Hub

At a time when the knowledge and expertise of accountants and tax professionals is more important to clients than ever before, SmartVault has created an online resource center with resources to help navigate these uncharted waters and keep business movi

Covid Economy Taxes

April 8, 2020 

Coronavirus Relief Measures: Rethinking the Economic and Tax Implications

The rapid spread of COVID-19 across the globe has created large-scale economic distress and halted the mechanisms of exchange and business activity–leaving an extensive trail of damage to the world’s economic infrastructure. Governments and legislators reacted immediately with relief packages. They likely will continue to make additional economic adjustments to stabilize the weakening economy by...…

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