

January 21, 2020 

Grant Thornton Launches Indirect Tax Platform

The platform bridges the various indirect tax management functions into one simplified workflow, easing the compliance burden in addition to providing insight for strategic management.


January 16, 2020 

2020 Income Tax Refund Chart Shows When You’ll Get Your IRS Refund

Updated: January 15, 2020 – 10:26 pm EST The IRS says it will officially start accepting income tax returns on January 27, 2020. The good news is that there’s no reason to get refund loans or other such services, since you can get your refund in as little as 10 days if you file early...…

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January 15, 2020 

IRS Says Discharged Student Loans Not Counted as Income

Taxpayers within the scope of this revenue procedure will not recognize gross income as a result of the discharge, and the taxpayer should not report the amount of the discharged loan in gross income on his or her federal income tax return.


January 15, 2020 

Which Expenses are Deductible in 2020

In our very long and complex tax code, tax deductions come in all shapes and sizes, and have a lot of sticky rules attached to them. For example, business expenses must be ordinary (common and accepted in an industry) and necessary ...

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January 13, 2020 

Cannabis Infused Pop-Up Restaurant Debuts in Detroit

The women will serve a four-course meal rich in vegetables with one lamb chop course that can be substituted for a roasted mushroom dish. The first four plates will feature an element that is infused with THC, the psychoactive element of cannabis.


January 7, 2020 

Chart Shows When to Expect 2020 Income Tax Refunds

The below chart shows an estimated timeline for when a taxpayer is likely to receive their refund, based on the information we have now, and using projections based on previous years. If your IRS income tax refund is delayed, ask your tax professional...


January 6, 2020 

IRS Strengthens Free File Program

Each year, Free File partners, acting through FFI, offer their software free to eligible taxpayers. Any taxpayer earning $69,000 or less can find one or more free commercial software products available by visiting

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