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Taxpayers with Balances Due Have Been Put on Notice By the IRS

The CP14, which is required by law to be issued within 60 days after the IRS assesses a tax liability, is the most common IRS notice sent to taxpayers, according to the Taxpayer Advocate Service, and requests payment within 21 days. The reason why taxpayers have a balance due can be related to a number of issues, such as failing to report some income or failing to pay a balance in full, Tiffany Gonzalez, CPA, CEO of Miami-based accounting firm Accounting to Scale, stated last week on LinkedIn.

Jason Bramwell

Remote Workers Abroad Can Cause Employer Headaches

Ordinarily, having an employee working remotely in another state would likely give your company nexus with that state. But after the pandemic hit, several states temporarily waived the enforcement of certain nexus laws. Indiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C., were among the first to announce they wouldn’t treat working from home as a nexus-generating activity if the arrangement was temporary and due to COVID-19.

Gail Cole