

November 22, 2011 

Building a Practice for the Future

Tax and accounting professionals who start their own firms from scratch face benefits and significant challenges. On the pro side, they have the opportunity to build the firm as they wish, from internal practices to staffing and management styles. Of course, there can be significant startup costs, and the firm starts with a client roster…

Isaac M. O'Bannon


November 21, 2011 

Keep the Gift-Giving Going

Part 2 of Isaac's Annual Holiday Gift Guide. In our annual December Gift Guide, I wrote about a couple of dozen cool-to-quirky gadgets for business and personal use. There are always many more that I don’t get the chance to cover, whether because of space or time or other factors, so I’ve decided to share…

Isaac M. O'Bannon


November 18, 2011 

Chunkification, Zero Entry and Lego Mastery

While we all cherish the most trusted advisor status that accountants have earned, this status must be continually re-earned with clients. Ask yourself whether your clients want you to serve them or lead them to better success. I believe your clients desperately want you to lead them — and if you don’t, they may turn...…

Doug Sleeter


November 17, 2011 

The ‘Certifiable’ Public Accountant

8399 Jason Blumer knows that some people think he’s a little different than the typical accountant, or at least the stereotype of an almost middle-aged one. Those “some people” include the tax manager at his practice, his staff and some of his clients… even his wife. Maybe it’s the crazy eye glasses. Perhaps the jeans...…

Isaac M. O'Bannon

 The Evolution of Write-Up Continues

November 16, 2011 

The Evolution of Write-Up Continues

Alongside professional tax preparation, write-up has long been a cornerstone client service for many full-service accounting firms, providing monthly, quarterly and annual engagements that equate to a fiscal checkup for client businesses. The core elements of account reconciliation, fixing improperly posted transactions and preparation of financial statements are critical to these entities truly knowing their…

 What’s your Horsepower?

November 16, 2011 

What’s your Horsepower?

It’s interesting that that hottest electric car on the market, the Tesla Roadster, touts its 288 horsepower engine. It is an oxymoron in some respects when you think of the imagery. The thing is that you don’t think of 288 horses. Rather, you think of speed. So why is this unit of measurement from 1702...…

 Ten Steps to Tax Document Automation

November 16, 2011 

Ten Steps to Tax Document Automation

When I was approached by the editorial staff at CPAPA to write an article on tax document automation, I immediately accepted the assignment. It wasn’t until I began to write this that I realized all of the different opportunities that exist for today’s tax practitioner to automate their tax documents. To help organize the discussion,...…

 The Face of Leadership: Foreseeing & Managing Change

November 10, 2011 

The Face of Leadership: Foreseeing & Managing Change

Change isn’t always easy, but it happens regardless of our intent. We grow older. Families diverge and branch off as children leave the nest to build their own lives. Economies ebb and flow. Consumer tastes fluctuate, causing some businesses to become obsolete while creating room for new ones. And, of course, changes in technology seem…


November 4, 2011 

Her Head in the Cloud

How a Tech-Savvy Accountant Waited for Technology to Catch Up to Her Vision. Some of the greatest ideas are imagined years before they can be accomplished. In 2002, a young professional accountant had the idea of providing virtual accounting services to clients.

Isaac M. O'Bannon

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