Audit Standards

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 2016 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy Now Available

December 30, 2015 

2016 GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy Now Available

The GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy is a list of computer-readable tags in eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) format that allows companies to tag precisely the thousands of pieces of financial data that are included in typical long-form ...

Revenue Models 1  55bbdc0100fd3

December 17, 2015 

Portfolios Offer Guidance On New Revenue Recognition Standard

The Portfolios provide a detailed description of the five steps corporations will need to employ in recognizing revenue and offer practical insight to professionals within corporations responsible for implementing and complying with the new standard.

 FASB Issues Alternative Accounting Standard on Intangible Assests

December 29, 2014 

FASB Issues Alternative Accounting Standard on Intangible Assests

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) today issued guidance intended to improve private company financial reporting regarding accounting for identifiable intangible assets in a business combination. FASB Accounting Standards Update No. 2014-18, Business Combinations (Topic 805): Accounting for Identifiable Intangible Assets in a Business Combination, is based on a consensus reached by the Private Company...…


December 11, 2013 

PCAOB Scrutinizes Engagement Quality Reviews

The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) has released a report that provides information about registered audit firms' implementation and compliance with Auditing Standard No. 7, Engagement Quality Review.

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