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June 8, 2015 

10 Lean Six Sigma Audit Considerations

The application of Lean Six Sigma principals has helped countless organizations objectively re-evaluate and streamline their production processes. Lean Six Sigma is a consulting methodology gaining favor in the accounting profession for its focus not ...

Roman Kepczyk

 How to Handle Short Time-Frame Tax Audits

June 5, 2015 

How to Handle Short Time-Frame Tax Audits

As if getting audited wasn’t bad enough, now the IRS has added a new twist: the short timeframe audit. With these types of audits, it is possible that an audit case could be closed by the IRS before your client has a chance to show you the letter. This ar

Dave DuVal

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May 14, 2015 

AICPA Has 6-Point Plan to Improve Audit Performance

The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) has released a Six-Point Plan to Improve Audits that provides a roadmap for the profession’s continued journey to audit excellence. The plan concentrates on financial statement audits for private companies ...

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April 23, 2015 

Report Looks At Effects of Audit Quality on the CPA Brand

The Illinois CPA Society has published a digital feature exploring the issue of audit quality, its impact on the CPA brand and profession in both the public and private sectors, and potential solutions to this high-profile problem.

 How Self-Employed Businesses Can Take On IRS Audits

March 2, 2015 

How Self-Employed Businesses Can Take On IRS Audits

Running a small business subjects an owner to various twists and turns on a daily basis. Few events, however, will raise an entrepreneur’s blood pressure quicker than a U.S. Department of Treasury letter informing them the business has been selected ...

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